6.5 Swede RL26


Dec 24, 2006
Been working with my little Featherweight. First time I loaded up quite a few different bullets to "try"

155 Lapua Megas

130 ABs

130 Swift Scirrocos

108 Scenars

And the speeds.

I have some more 130 ABs loaded up to push them up just a little. Shouldn't take too much to get them tuned right in though.
Most encouraging, Scotty. The Scenars have to put a grin on your chin!
Some depth work will tighten those right up!

I fount my featherweight to be fairly picky about loads.
My experience with RL26 is that it runs fast but isn't always the most accurate. It runs hotter than my Q/L predictions. It did do well in my Creedmore and my 6-284. Not so well in the 280AI. You gotta love the swede though. It just gets the job done with style and the new powders are giving it new life.

Still slugging away some with 130 ABs and 26. Getting decent speeds just nothing warming my heart accuracy wise yet.

I'll try shortening them a little though.

I did shoot three 120 Northforks seated the same distance off the ogive as the ABs... They might be worth playing with a little.

Pretty fun little rifle though. Hope I can get it to come together. It would make a sweet little deer rifle.

Not sure why I posted this in the rifles section? Sorry fellas.
The Northforks appear to be interesting. They could work quite well.
2650 with a 155 geez that's pretty good no reason a 140 shouldn't be north of 2850 with 130's hitting 2900.
The Lapua Mega and 120 gr North Fork look pretty good so far. Not sure if you tried other powders yet but RL 22 is a good one so maybe the new RL 23 will perk for you. The 4350's have performed for me in the past but IMR 7828 ssc has worked well and might give you both the speed and accuracy you are looking for.
Haven't tried anything else Gerry. I have some 4451 and 7828, so I'll give them a shot next.
Haven't tried 4451 in the 6.5x55 yet but it would be a good choice and it works well in the 260 Rem so far.
4451 works just as well as H4350 in the 6.5x55. No copper, but the stuff is DIRTY.

I think you have several loads there that just need some depth tuning. I had to work fairly hard to tune a load for mine, but .5 moa was achievable.
I'll get them annealed and prepped for the next run this week.
double_d":2va0h0pt said:
7828ssc works well in my swede

Thanks! That is next up if RL26 doesn't turn a corner. Read nothing but good about 7828 in the Swede with 130's and 140's.
I've never tried 7828ssc in the 6.5x55. I use it in all my Weatherby calibers with great success.
I find 45.7-46.2 of MRP is the sweet spot for 140 grain bullets. That has been true for a Model 70 featherweight and a Blaser R8. I hang out right around 45.9. Nosler book length seems to work pretty well on the Partitions and Custom Competitions with little tuning required. The AccuBond took more work. I exclusively use CCI primers, in this case CCI 200's. I haven't had much difference with PPU or Lapua cases. I probably have 500 Noslers I'll try one of these days.

Here is a look at a run with the 140 CC, CCI 200's and Nosler book length.


I'm going to try some IMR 4451 next; I expect it will be pretty much the same as H4350 based on my testing in other calibers.
SJB358":oo64npwm said:
Nice. What sorta speeds Rodell?

They hover around 2600 fps, plus or minus about 50 for the charges. The Model 70 barrel is somewhat "faster" than the Blaser barrel, but the Blaser barrel barely has 100 rounds through it.

I know I could push speeds a lot, but I don't feel the need. I use my Weatherby for that!
I know they are not new and trendy, but you really should give some IMR 4350 a shot (heavier than 125) and IMR 4064 (under 125).

The 4350/140 gr BTHP has won me a lot of matches. It likes to run hot. This should give you near top velocity in the 140 weight with peak accuracy. I'm running 44 gr/PRVI brass/Fed match primer in a military M96 and CG80 (sadly I sold that sweetheart when I bought my house). You could probably go a tick hotter in your M70 action.

I've had luck with 4064/123 CC also. It seems more tolerant to slight load reductions if you want something to hit and recoil a little softer in that light gun.