6mm Creedmoor loading

Guy Miner

Master Loader
Apr 6, 2006
Today I picked up loading dies, brass and bullets for the 6 Creedmoor. I am very enthusiastic about this!

The 6 Creedmoor is a cartridge designed for target competition, but produces velocity comparable to the 243 Win, 6mm Rem, and not too far off from the 25-06, so it has some potential as a hunting cartridge as well.

All I've fired through my Ruger Precision Rifle is the Hornady 108 grain ELD-M (match) ammo. I'm still getting used to the new rifle, but the 6 Creedmoor showed a promise of great accuracy. I tracked down three sources for good load data, plenty to start:

1. Hornady has a PDF file avail online with many loads documented for bullets from 58 - 108 grains.

2. Hodgdon's 2018 annual manual has a good article by Layne Simpson with a LOT of different loads featured.

3. Handloader magazine has a good article by John Barsness with some very nice 6 Creedmoor data.

Today I picked up:
1 set of Hornady dies - I've had good results with them in the past

50 Hornady brass cases

100 Hornady 108 grain ELD-M match bullets

I already have a good amount of H4350 powder on hand, as well as large rifle match primers from both Federal and CCI.



6mm Remington bottom, 6 Creedmoor center, 25-06 top:

I've prepped ten cases, and have made one dummy cartridge at the same overall length as the Hornady factory match ammo. The rifle has a short-action sized magazine.

I should have some results to post over the next few days and weeks.


Looks great Guy! Excited to see what you come up with. I’d bet you don’t struggle too much to find a good load.
Darn, that "Creed" looks a lot like a 250 Savage case.... :roll: :grin: . Guy is gonna be out in the garage for a while.... :) Always like to read what Barsness has to say. Have fun!! CL
cloverleaf":1majeta8 said:
Darn, that "Creed" looks a lot like a 250 Savage case.... :roll: :grin: . Guy is gonna be out in the garage for a while.... :) Always like to read what Barsness has to say. Have fun!! CL

Oh, I've gone DELUXE on my handloading. Moved everything into a "spare bedroom" we have, a couple of years ago. I'm loading in a nice air-conditioned and heated space with four big windows looking out. Rather nice. I spend a lot of time up there in my gun-tinkering, handloading, fly-tying room. Dog often hangs out up there with me.

Feels real good to have such a space.


Short trip to the range this afternoon to test the handloads:

Hornady brass, new
Hornady 108 gr ELD-Match bullets
H4350, 40.5 grains
Federal 210 match primers

Didn't chronograph the loads, but the point of impact was roughly the same as the 108 gr Hornady factory ammo at 450 yards. All I did today was shoot at a steel gong, 450 yards away, from the bench/bipod. Worked great! I did miss the gong three times. Entirely my fault.

When I stuck rigorously to the fundamentals of marksmanship, the bullets were impacting in a rather nice, tight, cluster on the steel.

I think that for now, I'll stick with this load, maybe tune it a bit. Can't play much with the overall length, 'cause they've got to fit into, and feed from, the detachable magazine.

Very satisfying! Am up to 27 rounds through the rifle at this point. Getting to know the scope/rifle/ammo combo pretty well so far.

I need to think about a coyote/antelope/deer load for this thing... Not sure how the "match" bullet performs on game, so I think I'll investigate the 103 grain Hornady ELD-X hunting bullet as well. But reality is that this rifle is mainly a marksmanship training/range toy.

Funny, I already have a used "APA Little Bastard" muzzle brake for it. It's supposed to be considerably better than the muzzle brake Ruger equips the rifle with. I'll make the swap sometime soon. Not strangely at all, there really isn't much recoil to deal with, the 6 Creedmoor in such a heavy rifle.

Regards, Guy
From what I've read, the eld-x isn't much of an improvement over the eld-m and in some cases, worse. I wouldn't have any problem shooting a deer behind the shoulder with the eld-m.
The coyotes do not like the .224 88gr ELD Match. Puts them down quickly and always blows through.
As said above, I’d think the 108 would be fine behind a deer’s shoulder.
Same here. 147 ELD M’s work fine on northern deer which have weighed between 125-170lbs dressed. Haven’t caught one yet.
My dad has shot a few cow elk with the 147 ELD-M's out of his 6.5 Creedmoor. I wouldn't hesitate to use that 108 on deer size game.
Okay guys, thanks. I wasn't sure if the ELD-M was much good for hunting. I'll happily limit this rifle to just one load. Keeps things simple.
I joined a 6CM facebook group and did some searching around for my load data. Started lower and worked up a bit. I haven't shot the 108 ELDM but the 105 VLD is a hammer on deer. I have Taken a buck with the 147 ELDM out of my 6.5 SAUM, and it worked great! My brother shoots a 6XC with the 108 ELDM and took a nice buck and an antepole this fall with it. Both single shot, clean kills. I think you'll be fine.