7-08 Recomendations......?


Feb 24, 2006
I took both my 7-08 and .223 out today. Different scope on Rem 700 Varmiter 708 this time, it's a straight 12X Leupy rather than the straght 16X that was on it. I've been wanting to use the 120gr B-tip out of this one rather than the 140's & 150's that I generally use I had some left over loads from a few years ago, that I have no idea what they were, so they worked good to sight in with and finish up.
Question being does anyone have a 120gr B-tip load they recommend? I've been using the good ole stand by IMR 4350 for years out of this one.

I was also able to shoot the .223 VTR Rem 700 today after the bolt modifications. WOW !! :shock: what a major upgrad on having the firing pin hole bushed & turned ! I have a little more load development on this one as the N-140 only did about one inch 5 shot groups today with the 70gr Bergers. I have a lot of 748 on hand so will try that next.

Pic is of the last ten shots back to back to back today with the 7-08.

IMR 4350 is the most accurate powder tested and would be a good starting point in your 7mm-08. Varget and RL 15 would both be worth a try as well.

With the 120, I'd start with 4064 and Varget first. As you know, the 4350 works excellent with the 140 so it might be worth a try also, but I'd guess the other two would be better.
My go to load for the 7-08 is 44.0 of reloder 15 and the 120 NBT or TSX. just about 3,000 fps and great groups. Great killing bullets too!
Thanks Gents..... Appears I'm off to find a can of RL-15.
I have some RL-17 that I haven't been too impressed with in anything else, might give it a try too....???

I have most of the other powders that have been mentioned, so off to the bench I go.
Good luck on your search. RL15 is an accurate powder for my 308 and 35 Whelen. I have alot of Alliant powder and they seem to be taking over my bench for alot of shooting. Scotty
I'll give a second recommendation to IMR 4064. I use it for my son in law's new Tikka and in my Model 7 with the 120 BT's. Both guns shoot it very well using 42.0 grains and CCI BR2 primers; the Tikka shoots 100 yard cloverleafs, the Mod 7 shoots about 1/2 inch groups. I've never needed a second shot with this combo on MI whitetails.
My wifes 7-08 likes 51.5 gr of Ramshot big game under a 120 BT. I havn't put them over the chrony yet but Ql says they are doing over 3150 if I remember right. Smoked three deer with it this year. IMR 4350 worked good as well but didn't give the FPS I was hoping for.
Powerstroke wrote : "Pic is of the last ten shots back to back to back today with the 7-08. "

As an aside : I noticed that you placed the calipers at the outside edges of your group to show the size of the group. Is it not true that most shooters measure groups "center to center" to illustrate group size?
Regardless, good shooting!
Steven A.
RL 19 works well also. Got 3100 fps and well under 1" at 100 yards with the 120 BT.

Correct, I'll generally measure C/C on 3 to 5 shot groups. This was just for representation purposes.

I didn't have the load in my book, but I had posted anotehr pic in the hunting section that I had used 120gr B-tips that looked pretty good.

I had good results with RL 19, 140 gr BT and PT bullets.
