I was working up some 1x Rem brass this afternoon, bought on gunbroker. I ran it thru a Lee resizing die, then went to trim to length. Some of it was small enough diameter at the base that the shell holder wouldn't grip it well enough to trim. I've been thru this with unfired .45-70 brass, and made a shim or collar, so to speak, out of thin plastic strip about 3/4" wide, cut just long enough to go around the brass and lap a little. If I wrapped it at the base of the brass, and carefully slid the shell holder down over, the fit was tight enough so the cutter head could trim to length.
I'm guessing these will be pretty loose in the chamber when fired the first time, so I'll keep them separate. Anyone got a better solution for this ?
Also, anyone got a rig for setting up a battery drill to turn the cutting head ?
I'm guessing these will be pretty loose in the chamber when fired the first time, so I'll keep them separate. Anyone got a better solution for this ?
Also, anyone got a rig for setting up a battery drill to turn the cutting head ?