7MM-08 C.O.L.


Jan 9, 2011
I am a little surprised.
I have a brand new Weatherby Vangaurd Series 2 7mm-08 that I was getting ready to reload but found something pretty surprising.

Reloading for Nosler 120 gr BTs, Nosler states the Max SAAMI C.O.L. is 2.800.
Interestingly, that is the max size this rifle's magazine will take as well..

I measured countless times my distance to the Lands. It is an accurate 2.890. I also measured the correlated base to ogive measurements for both.

Here is where I am surprised and confused. This means that my first starting seating depth will be approximately .090 off the lands? Any other seating depth will only be greater?

Has anyone seen this type of starting distance from the lands or is this typical for short action rifles?

I wouldn’t be too worried about it. My Rem 223 VTR is the same way, magazine limits my OAL. Same with my Ruger 300 win mag.

My Rem 270 win has the opposite problem. Huge magazine well, but it has such a long throat that I can only get the 130 grn Nos BT to within 0.030 of the lands while keeping one caliber (.277) of bullet inside the neck for proper tension (not including the boat tail part).

I think the Weatherbys are the same way (long throats). Just don’t sweat it… BTW, if you are sweating it, try a different profile bullet. Like the Partitions. You might be surprised.
Yup from all my WBIES and some others. There are some long throated guns out there.
However that does not mean that they will not be accurate.
That's not too unusual, especially with WBY rifles. A long jump to the lands doesn't mean a rifle won't be accurate.
Not at all uncommon with short action rifles. I have one that is over 0.120. Load concentric ammo and don't worry about how far away from the lands the bullet is located. There is no magic in being close to the lands, just a place to start.Rick.
ahhh, now I see what some have spoken about with Weatherby rifles and the long jump. I did not see this with my first Weatherby Vangaurd Series 1 338 Win Mag as I can load to the lands or away from lands at will. Also all other rifles I have reloaded for gave me the option of on the lands if I wanted.

" Load concentric ammo .." --> I put a lot of effort to make sure ammo is concentric but this is good advice to be extra extra sure. Thanks Rick!

Thanks NWBlacktail, Dr. Mike, Fotis. Great assurance.

You'll be fine Steve. I hardly ever get to work off the lands much. I work from mag length and move back from there if needed. Haven't had any real issues yet.
"I work from mag length and move back from there if needed"

A good thought.
Super Thanks Scotty!