7mm-08 ?

It's one of the first 7-08's Remington built. It's a Rem 700 BDL Varmiter.

It's been quite a while since it's seen any elk action... it's kind of turned into my safe queen. The wood is a lot lighter in color than all my other remingtons. I was using 150gr B-tips for Elk & Mulies.
Crud, I didn't read the entire post... believe the little one here distracted me... .CONGRATS !!! The 7-08 is a great round. He's a pic of mine... she's not a pack rifle... :grin:

Great looking rifle and that would be a safe queen for me too.
You just do not get that quality of wood anymore.
mj30wilson":nr7ityq6 said:
Great looking rifle and that would be a safe queen for me too.
You just do not get that quality of wood anymore.
Gotta agree with that.
Beautiful gun Powerstroke.
Thanks Guys ! I took the scope off and put it on the my .260 and put a straight 12X back on it... hope to sight it in tomorrow....