7mm Rem Ultra Mag loads


Range Officer
Staff member
Oct 30, 2004
I need some fellas. Give me any data you got. Accuracy and velocity too. Thanx
Unfortunately not a popular cailber and Remington only makes one decent factory load in it. You can't even get a LSS in that caliber. Too bad its prob the best open country Western round.
A gunsmith friend knows some fellas that use it on elk in Colorado. I think they use 7828 powder with either a 150 Partition or a 150 scirocco. They always bring elk home.
I've used 83gr. of RL22 with a 140 AccuBond, fed 215 primers and remington brass. Didn't chrono it but I get less than .7 inch 5 shot groups @100yds. Currently I am working up a load for the 160 AccuBond as well as the 140 barnes tsx.

One thing with the 7mm rum is DON'T start at too low of a load-I start at 4-5% below max and work up from there.
NTM":25bpjuq7 said:
I've used 83gr. of RL22 with a 140 AccuBond, fed 215 primers and remington brass. Didn't chrono it but I get less than .7 inch 5 shot groups @100yds. Currently I am working up a load for the 160 AccuBond as well as the 140 barnes tsx.

One thing with the 7mm rum is DON'T start at too low of a load-I start at 4-5% below max and work up from there.
Cool. Please post results and velocities if possible.
I now have a great deal of experience with this caliber and have found it to be the best long range killer I have ever shot. I much prefer it to a .30 caliber of any description. Try Retumbo powder and the 160gr AccuBond. I am getting an honest 3400fps from my 26" barrel. Nosler has reported some pressure problems with this caliber but I haven't seen any evidence of it with my reloads. Velocity is extremely consistent and brass life as good as any other caliber I am familiar with. Most important accuracy is outstanding. Good concentric reloads will give performance at very long range that just has to be experienced to be believed. This combination also seems to buck wind better than anything I am familiar with. Good luck.
Wow. What is your exact recipe?
POP, the exact load I use is 94.0gr of Retumbo with the 160 AccuBond and Federal's GM215M primer. OAL is the maximum that will still feed through the magazine. Cases are, of course, Remington. Velocity ranges between 3375 and 3400. This is an absolute max load for my rifle and components. I got there by very careful case head measurements against factory loads as well as looking for any other visable pressure signs. I have now fired my particular lot of 200 cases about 6 times with absolutely no signs of excess pressure. I will soon anneal the cases but primer pockets are still tight and no excess trimming has been necessary. I have a 6.5x20x40 Leupold with target turrets mounted on a Leupold long range base. The rig is good to a thousand yards. I keep runout on my ammunition to .001 or less and accuracy is unbelievable. I would say more but people would simply accuse me of lieing. All I can say is shoot it. My present rifle has shown me that I don't need to spend a fortune on some sort of custom rifle in order to be able to consistently hit targets at VERY long distances. Other than punching holes in paper I have found the rifle best used for cross canyon shots at Mule Deer in Wyoming. It would also be an excellent Bean Field rifle back in the east. Good hunting!
Nice! I just ordered a Sendero in 7mm RUM. What do you have?
My rifle is a Sendero. All I had to do was lighten the trigger pull. It is my "Wyoming rifle". I hunt Mule Deer on a ranch between Douglas and Gillette every year.
I hunted up there in the past also!
Nice setup. I will put a 6x18 leupy on my Sendero. Hope I can get the same velocity/accuracy as you do.
It is gonna be my long range deer/antelope gun.
I think you're gonna be very happy with the results. If you are really looking to reach out there take a careful look at the long range mount. Without it a 1 inch scope can run out of adjustment room. I'm just not sure how far you can get without it. By the way, I usually use cross sticks from a sitting position in the field. With practice it is amazing how accurate you can be. Right now I am awaiting the results of the Wyoming Draw and should be finding out this next month. In fact, I had better quit playing so much golf and start practicing with that big seven. The season will be here before we know it.
Thank you all for the information....I have been looking for some loading data on this round. I have a SAKO 75 SS, and got it with the intentions of having Christensen rebarrel it to 300 Ultra. I just had to shoot it before i sent it out though....glad I did. With Remington 140 gr. Core-Lokt Ultra loads, it consistantly prints 1/2-5/8" groups, out of the box. There is no way I would ever have a factory gun that shoots like this redone. I am sure good loading data will further enhance the accuracy potential.
Welcome to the wonderful world of sakos
POP, yes that is my first SAKO, but can bet it will not be my last. I wanted a 300 RUM, but those calibers(7MM/300RUM), are not made any longer by SAKO. If you happen to know where any 75's SSin 300RUM are, by all means, please advise me. Like I said before...a rifle that shoots like that out of the box, I will NOT rebarrel.
Should have talked to me last week. I sold one with 12 rounds through it. Fiberglass SS. Shot 200 gr accubonds at 3148 with RL 25. It shot under an inch at 300 yds. Best groups was .675" at 300. Sold it because of the weight. Way too heavy for my liking. Ordered an Rem 700 AWR from the custom shop. I know it will not shoot the same but as longas it is less than MOA I will be happy.

My personal best. .675" at 300 yds.
300 RUM SAKO 75 Stainless Synthetic (stock rifle)
200 grain AccuBond 92 gr RL25 and 3148 fps.


BTW if its accuracy you want play with the stock screws! My first SAKO like the one descibed above liked a setting of 50 inch/lbs and it too did .946" at 300 yds with 180 Partition Golds at 3315 fps and AA8700.
Now the one above liked a setting of 30 inch lbs. Get a tourqe wrench and enjoy! :lol:
I am looking for a load with 150 gr Ballistic tips. I have only shot (this is probably going to be a bad word here) 162 gr A max's through mine so far, but I am looking for a good deer hunting bullet. I am shooting a Sendero with the Ops brake. Any info would be appriciated.