7mm Remington Mag Core Lokt Powder


Nov 21, 2009
I was wondering if anybody knows what kind of powder is used in Remington 150 gr Core Lokt SP factory ammo. I have a Browning
A-Bolt hunter, 26 in barrel, glass bedded and a Vais muzzle brake, that shoots one hole 3 shot groups at 100 yards with the Core Lokts. I know
the ammo has 67.2 grains of powder. Please Help. Mr_Wapiti :?: :shock:
My guess is the powder you're looking at is something Remington got a traincar load of, and it won't be the same in a different lot. Is it stick or ball? If you're looking at 67.2gr of stick powder, maybe it's something similar to H1000 or IMR7828. When I've loaded 7mmRemMag, I've used those two powders to great success. Chances are, the powder you're looking at is not a canister powder available to handloaders, but you can sure try to find a good match. If you have a chronograph, it will make matching it easier, as you can line up one more data point. For sure you should measure the COL of the Remington rounds and write that down somewhere you won't lose it.

The major ammunition manufactures have access to powders that are not available to us so there is no way of knowing what is used in factory loads.

What you will need to do is start your own load development. H1000, IMR7828, and RL 22 would be good powders to start with.

The powder is stick so it might be H1000 OR IMR7828. No I don't have a
chronograph. But the OAL is 3.250 Mr_Wapiti :?:
mr_wapiti":q98xvzbg said:
The powder is stick so it might be H1000 OR IMR7828. No I don't have a
chronograph. But the OAL is 3.250 Mr_Wapiti :?:

It "could" also be X, Y or Z. Its the burn rate that is different. Every ammunition manufacture keeps their recipe close to the vest so we will never know what it is, or if we could even get our hands on it.

The best approach is to just start your own load development. There are a few proven loads that have been published here. Let us know what bullet you want to use and we will give you a few starting points.

150 gr NP for mule deer and antelope, second choice 150 Rem Core Lokts SP Mr_Wapiti
Mr. Wapiti, try RL22 with the 150gr Nosler PT's. I have had nothing but great luck from them. They shoot fast and have been very accurate. You will get great speed out of your 26" tube. Sounds like that rifle will shoot about anything well. Scotty
Wapiti, as others have pointed out, Remington will not tell you what they used in that lot and besides, they could change it anyway, on the next lot.
I too am using a 26" barrel on a Browning B78, 7mmRemMag. The load that I worked up a number of years ago, is used for everything from the smaller white tails, up to large mule deer.
140gr. AccuBond. 70gr of either IMR7828 or Mag-Pro, gets the same results. R-P cases. FC 215 Mag primers. Gets me right at 3300 fps, at 10' from the muzzle. When I went for more MV, the groups began to open up, so I have stayed with the 3300 fps load. The 140AB bullet has been effective on all game that I have taken under fire at ranges from 45 yards, to 404 yards. Very consistant and very effective.
Good luck in you hand loading,
Steven A.
I've got some 150 Nosler and 150 CT silvertips that I plan on loading later on with either IMR 4350 or 4831 which will give me around 3200FPS. Good luck on working up a load for your mag. My 7mm Mag likes these two powders along with RE-19.

Noslers Rock!