While working up my 7mm RM, started low and working my way toward max, when I got to 62 gr IMR4350 groups got pretty good. When I got to 63.5, groups were .583 (I can live with that!) but my velocity was 3070 with 150 AB. Then I proceeded to try to see where my groups started opening up. 64 gr- about 1" but it was pretty windy and I didn't feel good about my shooting and my chronograph didn't have enough light to work. At 64.5 gr- felt good but bad group, and a sticky bolt. I wasn't that close to max and my velocity was low for a 150 gr. I'm .010 off lands, should I change powder or seat deeper or what? I was looking for +/- 3150-3200 fps. Is that to much to ask for, or is that all I can expect? I'm sticking with 63.5gr for now because I've got a whitetail hunt in 5 days. Any suggestions?