7RM 150gr BTip seating depth question


Jun 25, 2014
Quick question. Wondering about seating depth of the 150 grain BTip in 7RM. Currently loading at Nosler Reloading Guide COAL of 3.290 which sits about 0.1 off of the lands in my rifle. Shoots pretty good but wondering if I can tighten up even more. Where does everyone else find the best accuracy in relation to seating depth with ballistic tips?


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Very nice group, what is that .5MOA or less? Is the one that is out a 3rd shot by chance? If so might want to reshoot and besure to allow the barrel to cool for the 3rd shot, might save you from making any adjustments.

If adjustments are needed you could seat deeper .005 at a time and bring it in or adj powder slightly at your current COL to bring it together.
Measured about 0.451 CTC, second group at 0.589. Both with 2 touching and one slightly off. Seems like I am a mile off the lands but shooting great at 100 yards. Haven't stretched out the distance yet to see but expect it to be a pretty stable load.

Deeper to the lands or deeper into the cartridge? Assuming into the lands but the federal premium factory rounds are running even shorter COAL at 3.27something. They are the round I am trying to improve on.
ksubuck":2l4v3mw7 said:
Measured about 0.451 CTC, second group at 0.589. Both with 2 touching and one slightly off. Seems like I am a mile off the lands but shooting great at 100 yards. Haven't stretched out the distance yet to see but expect it to be a pretty stable load.

Deeper to the lands or deeper into the cartridge? Assuming into the lands but the federal premium factory rounds are running even shorter COAL at 3.27something. They are the round I am trying to improve on.

2 touching and 1 out calls to seat the bullet deeper into the case by .005 at a time. Keep doing this until the 1 that is out comes back in.
That's a pretty good group as it is. Starting there I would load 3, 3 shot loads increasing the seating depth .010 each load. Then I would load 3, 3 shot loads decreasing the seating depth by .010 each time.
By looking at these groups after they are fired you will get a sense of what the rifle wants to shoot well.
You can then tweak by .005 to further tighten things up.
Your groups should either open or tighten up and the POI will likely change with each group also as the barrel occillates.
It is already more than adequate for hunting. Just got the bug to see how small it will go. The rifle runs well with 150gr pills. Here is the 150g ABLR too...


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ksubuck":3cg3mqrk said:
It is already more than adequate for hunting. Just got the bug to see how small it will go. The rifle runs well with 150gr pills. Here is the 150g ABLR too...

You got a shooter that's for sure.
ksubuck":h2dgy62a said:
It is already more than adequate for hunting. Just got the bug to see how small it will go.

Yeah. I got that bug also. But it sure is fun trying for those little groups isn't it.
My 7mm Rem Mag shoots groups about that size and has for 40+ years. I have not touched it, except to upgrade the scope to a Zeiss HD5.