7RM 160g Accubond. Wow


Jun 25, 2014
Working up charge for this round and am dumbfounded with the results. Thought I passed a node at 57.0g IMR 4350 when I had a 0.8 inch group. But then the 58.5, 59.6, and 60.0 groups did this...




The 59.0 group had a called flier...


Think I will chase the bughole at 59.5
That is a sweet shooting rifle with that load and in your hands. Congratulations on some enviable groups.
Nicely done. Very accurate bullet, my 280 AI shot .092" at 3000 fps.

I've got a little cva scout rifle. Its a break open single shot 7mm08. It was a real PROBLEM child till I realized I had to run loads about 45k pressure to keep it from going vertical.
Now it does groups like you have with the 160 ab.
Its a hoot to shoot and carry and with the BC of the 160 will do everything I need it to inside 250 yds.
Just picked up an extra 3 bags, some 140 bts, some 150ct's over at shooters PS to continue experimenting.
Great shooting, looks like there are more accuracy nodes than non accuracy nodes. Several very fine groups to choose from which is never a bad thing. My friends 7mm RM with 160 accubonds/RL-22 does the same thing.
Not bad! BTW Q/L says you're doing about 2850 fps.
Just about out the door to go verify and chrono the load. Hope it holds true to the other day
ksubuck":2z9su7dp said:
Just about out the door to go verify and chrono the load. Hope it holds true to the other day

Good luck buddy.

Monkeyed with seating depth in and out 0.005 and 0.010. I was not on my game today but close enough. Groups opened up to 0.8 to 1.0. Ran a 10 shot string at the original COAL over the Magneto and grouped 1.2MOA. Final group of original COAL with the magneto off of the barrel ran 0.7.

Chrono Avg 2918, SD 11, ES 30

Finished with this load