9.3X64 and 250 grain AB


Congratulations on the WT buck with your 9.3x64. Great way to break in a rifle! :wink:

No pictures, Gerry. I felt good to get this one out to my pickup. I was hustling to beat the storm.
Yeah, I think the 375 might work on a deer, Guy. :grin: It's only slightly larger.
Nice work Mike! That 9.3x64 is sure a cool round. Glad you got some meat with it. Keep us posted on the elk hunt.
I have nine days to tag an elk. I will give it a good try, that's for certain.
Guy Miner":2o656666 said:
Congrats on a successful hunt!

Now I won't feel quite so silly if I use my .375/260 gr AccuBond on a deer someday...


There is no replacement for displacement. :wink:
Nothing like a WT safari, go for it.

Great story, congrats on the score with the 9.3 Mike. Sounds like an efficient WT rifle! HA!
The 9.3x74R ought to make an efficient little black tail deer rifle! Might even kill elk as well, if they are standing still!
Oldtrader3":12pedh5n said:
The 9.3x74R ought to make an efficient little black tail deer rifle! Might even kill elk as well, if they are standing still!

That's :twisted: Charlie,,,,I like the thoughts :lol:
I toted the Brenneke all day today. I saw moose--lots of moose. However, I shot a moose on the opening day of the season. I saw lots of whitetail, including a couple of BIIIIIIIG bucks. However, I've already filled my whitetail tag. I saw lots of mule deer, including a couple of massive bucks. However, the season doesn't open for another week. I saw a young wolf, but he wasn't waiting to see what my intentions were. He ran into thick bush before I could get my rifle up. I saw several coyotes. However, I was hesitant to pop a coyote with this 9.3X64 lest it frighten an elk. I saw a cow elk and her calf--on private land. I cut elk tracks in three separate areas, but the Brenneke is overkill for tracks. I have a feeling I'll be quite busy this final week of elk season. I think the 9.3X64 will work on elk, though it was marginal on whitetail. Coming out of battery, the buck had disappeared. Fortunately, he collapsed in his tracks, so he wasn't hard to find.
You can always put a little curare paste on those 250 AB's to make them more effective for elk! That is what I have been considering since my 9.3 is a little slower (about 200 fps) than yours!
I would also load them backwards also Charlie,,,,, that way, if they see the 200 fps slower bullet, they'll think it's going instead of coming. :wink:
onesonek":2usnl8nc said:
I would also load them backwards also Charlie,,,,, that way, if they see the 200 fps slower bullet, they'll think it's going instead of coming. :wink:

Very good, Dave. :mrgreen:
Thats a thought Dave but I get confused too easily nowadays that I might shoot myelf putting them in backwards? I think that I will stick to the plan!
We wouldn't want that Charlie. I already lost one friend to a shooting accident.
Anyhow the first plan, is usually the best.
I have seen too much of hospitals this month already. I am staying away from them, they make you sick! I have a MRSA pneumonia I am fighting right now that is a gift, I believe, from them.