90 grain Nosler ballistic tip vs whitetail deer


Sep 29, 2024
I decide to try a 90 grain ballistic tip on a deer. Shot quite a bobcat and many coyote with them and then switched to 70 grain versions. I had some doe tags to try out some of the old 90 grainers I had loaded up and stored away for decades. I used a Remington 600 with a 18.5" barrel. The load was using imr 4831 with .2 grains over max and loaded long. Shot a doe at approximately 15 yards. Bullet made one heck of a entry hole. I could fit my hand in the ribs. The bullet hit the top of the opposite shoulder blade and stopped in the outer skin of the shoulder. It weighed 45.1 grains. The core separated from its jacket and was found within a 1/4”, or less, of the jacket. Almost looked like it was still sitting in the jacket but loose. Took out both lungs. The deer “bang flopped” like it was hit with Thors hammer. It never moved or flinched!!! Just like it does with coyotes. Hit it just under the back strap. I was impressed. Never recovered a bullet in an animal before. They always exit. I wouldn’t be afraid to use this thing for deer hunting as my primary weapon after it performed. I shot one with my 300 rum the day before using 180 grain round nose Sierra with a minimum book load. Broadside low in the heart at 45 yards. Made two big holes in and out and it probably went 110 to 115 yards before it dropped. Left a blood trail of blind man could follow. IMO If I hit it a half a foot higher it would have dropped a lot quicker.

Entry hole...


Bullet resting on office shoulder just under the hide. You can barely see the copper jacket…





You can see the bullet broke through several ribs on the way in. I was in an elevated stand when I took the shot as the deer was walking away from me. It took out quite a few ribs in its path before resting on the offside shoulder. I’m sure a broadside shot encountering only one rib on the way in and one on the way out it would have exited. Imo it held up pretty good for little ballistic tip pushed hard and encountering a handful of bones. I couldn’t see the .243” diameter entry hole in the hide till I skinned it.
I said this before- My go to is the 95BT and I load 100PT for my wife. Very satisfied with results. Our experience with the 90BT has been the same. Congrats
Do you find the 95 grain BT penetrates deep and exits more often than the 90 grain BT?
The handful of deer with the 90, shoulders would find bullet in offside hide. Ribs would pass thru. I still load the 90AB for a buddy and he shoots whitetail and cow elk with that bullet.
I’ve loaded 90 grain swift Scirrocco’s for buddy the last couple decades. They always seem to exit deer and 60 yard tracks are normal. The ballistic tip dumps all its energy and also dumps the deer off its feet vs a premium bullet that is designed to penetrate deeper and doesn’t expand as wide.
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Congrats! Put a good bullet where it belongs and you've got venison. :)

I've said before "It doesn't take a cannon." My son and I have made good use of 6mm 95 grain Nosler Ballistic Tips, and .257" 115's as well. They work great for deer!

Regards, Guy
Yep, they’ve always been hit or miss for me whether I get a big explosive result but game is on the ground every time regardless. I remember when I bought my 243 for coyote hunting and I went out in the woods with it. The first time during anterless only deer hunting a good 2 plus decades ago. It had to been faith because it was the first time I took it in the woods and a coyote walked up. It hit the ground at the shot and never moved. Bullet size hole in and out. 30 seconds later another one came walking up and walked right underneath my tree stand staring at the downed coyote about 100 yards away. I hit that one in the back and it blew a coffee size can hole out of it. The first one I ended up getting mounted with a full body mount howling. Figured it was a way to celebrate my first coyote. I couldn’t even tell you how many that rifle was shot to date.