

Mar 10, 2007
I recently watched a 3 gun shoot at a local gun range and I am considering gearing up to take part in it. You need a high capacity pistol, High capacity rifle and a high capacity shotgun.

I noticed many were using glock's but few barettas. Any advice on purchasing a reasonably priced and good quality pistol for use in such amature compatitions?

I have been told Ruger's don't shoot well, and anyting with less than 15 rounds will take too much time up in mag changing.

Glock 17 should run around 500 and the Berretta 92 around 550. Also saw a Minne Eagle for about 400.

Any advice on what to get would be appreciated.

For simplicity and reliability, it's hard to beat a Glock. I love mine, and it works every time I pull the trigger, regardless of how clean/dirty, hot/cold it is. There's nothing wrong with the Beretta, but I don't own one, and I do own a Glock. Also, you should be able to find a nice 17 in 9mm used at just about any gunshop if you look, and you can save another $50-100 over the Beretta.
I'm a fan of the Glock also.

Another couple guns to look at is the Springfield XD and CZ75 line. They both can be had a bit cheaper then a Glock and I really like them both. My XD 9 4" has been 100% reliable and quite accurate. The CZ just feels right in the hand to me.
I had alot of trigger time on the beretta M9 while i was a jarhead. The stuff that went wrong with the M9 was endless. Crack slides,locking blocks,barrels you name it. When i was going though Security Force school one marine lost an eye when the slide came off. I've had a Glock 22 for about 15 years and it has always gone bang when i pulled the trigger. Starting too look at getting a S&W M&P .40.