A Bruising Day Tomorrow


Nov 8, 2006
Well, I just received my rifles for testing tomorrow--a 300 RUM for break-in and generation of ballistics data with a Huskemaw scope, a 375 Ruger for load development, and a 460 Weatherby for loading and testing. Should be an interesting day. The 300 RUM shouldn't take too much work, as I completed ten rounds last week with it on break-in. I am hoping that the 375 will go fairly quickly. The owner wants to use 270 grain Barnes TSX. I'll likely focus on IMR4007SSC and H380 for tomorrow. The 460 is not so critical, but I'd like to get it out of the way so that owner can have it back fairly quickly. It'll give me something to do this evening, in any case. Hopefully, I'll be able to do some work on my own rifles. I have a 300 WSM that has not been broken in yet, and I still have some loads with 140 grain PTs for my 270 WSM that I want to focus on, and 110 grain ABs for my 257 Bob. It would be nice to see that data tomorrow. I won't need to hurry home as my wife is going to a dental convention tomorrow, so I can take my time. It doesn't get dark until eight, now.
Good luck kind sir! :grin: Your shoulder is going to need it. Are you using a lead sled for a little slack on the Doc's shoulder? You like those cannons don't you! :shock:
I do not like those cannons, but I'm willing to shoot them for others. Yes, I do have a lead sled precisely for these days.

Fortunately, this is not the norm. It is not exceptional, but it is not the norm. Doesn't anybody like the 280? Or a 30-06? Or ...

It will not be as bad as the day when I did break-in on two 30-378s, two 338-378s, and a 7.82 Lazzeroni. That was just amiserable. We went through a period when we built about one or two Lazzeronis each month, and I do believe that I did break-in on each of them (Firebirds, Warbirds, Patriots, etc.).
Doc excuse my ignorance but did I read H380 in a 375?

By the way, I'll trade with ya. You come fix cars tomorrow and I'll be a trigger man.
I'm lousy at pulling wrenches. Yes, I'm loading three sets of loads for initial review: IMR4007SSC, H380 and Big Game. I could include RL15 or other powders with similar burn rates, but these three will give me a good survey of potential. I'm a little under the gun as the owner has a grizzly draw and leaves on April 29. Nothing like a little pressure to motivate me.
Doc I have tried all three of those powders in the 375 R finally my rifle liked the big game. that was with 260 AB though. I have a box of the 270 TSX but havn't done alot of playing with them. I tried RL-15 with them and didn't have any luck. Hope you do. Let me know what you find out.

Best of luck to you. Sounds like a great day!
The owner supplied the bullets, so I work with what he supplies. He wants to use TSX. It is a bit humorous, actually. He shot a Yukon moose last year with a 338 Win Mag, and the critter walked about ten yards before piling up. Consequently, he lost confidence in his rifle. He is a seasoned hunter, so he should know what he wants. In response to that experience, he said he wasn't taking any chances with a grizzly. Hence, a new 375 Ruger. I should think it will be enough. I certainly wouldn't feel undergunned. I'll post a summary of my results.
LOL yeah I'm not sure how the moose could of gone much better? He could of just tipped over and gone ten feet!
Moose are pretty phlegmatic. They often stand there and wonder if they are dead after they are shot. However, they can be surprisingly hearty at times. Some guides get very excited when a moose doesn't drop at the shot as they can be swallowed in thick bush pretty quickly, or worse, wonder off into a muskeg or river. Then, the work really begins. I guess I can't blame the guides. You haven't lived until you dress a moose in a pond when the snow is flying and the temperature is dropping quickly.
Sounds like fun!
If I was closer, I would help you out Mike. :grin:

Hi DrMike, retrieving Moose or Elk can sometimes but a whole different adventure. 2 years ago we shot 3 moose in the draw and 2 of them took no more than 30 minutes to get back to camp. The last one was shot at around 4:00pm and we got it back to camp around 7:00am. I thought we were going to have to take it out 1 steak at a time :wink:


I've had those "nights" when I worked well into the next morning getting one of those critters out. I've quit hunting, oh, at least once or twice a year after shooting some big thing.


It went surprisingly well. I'll post some pictures in a bit of the 375 work. It shot quite well. Now I have another problem. I don't have enough of the powders that shot well. I'm scrounging every store in northern BC and Alberta to find what I need.
Well, I had my day, and it wasn't all bad. I still have work to do with the 460 Weatherby. However, the 375 Ruger shot quite well. Here are a few pictures of the day.

This is the set-up that the gentleman asked me to work on.


The loads worked up with Big Game were okay--not spectacular, but good. They ran from 1.2 inches to 2 inches. The velocities were about what I projected. However, the loads worked up with H380 and IMR4007SSC were very good. In either instance, the best velocities were in the range of 2550 to 2650 fps. Here is a picture of the load developed with H380. The first group was 0.80 inches, which exceeded what the owner of the rifle requested.


The second group with IMR4007SSC was very good, I wanted to quit at this point.


This is a 0.56 inch group with a charge of 78.5 grains, producing a velocity of 2571 fps.

I'm working under the gun as this was the only day this week I had to work on this project, and I won't have opportunity to refine the groups because the customer wants the rifle by the weekend so he can work with it. However, it is still an okay day.

The 300 RUM turned in 0.50 inch groups with factory ammunition, which I considered to be very good indeed.

I took a few of my own rifles to shoot while the others were cooling. I shot a load using 110 grain ABs and RL17 that I had developed for my 257 Roberts, and it was pretty good. I also had a load with my 270 WSM that is built around 140 grain PT, and it was consistently a one inch load across the spectrum. I'll work on this to refine it.

I am still breaking in my new 300 WSM, and it isn't shooting all that spectacularly yet. However, I had some 165 grain Fail Safes that I worked up, and they show real promise, which would be good for me as I still have quite a few kicking around. Here is the 300 WSM.


It is a handsome rifle. Here is the group with the Fail Safes.


It is 0.69 inches. I should be able to refine this by playing with seating depth. All-in-all, a good day at the range.
Nice shooting Dr. Mike. It's always great to get out and burn some powder and learn something while doing it. Great shooting :grin: :grin:
Ya know Doc, I really dont feel your pain!!! :mrgreen: I mean, how bad can it really be shooting other peoples nice stuff.... :lol:

Out of curiousity, is that "your" own range facility or a public/club?

Thanks for sharing the adventure.
