
Dec 26, 2007



As I arrived in Arizona at the foot hills of The Apache National Forrest there was magic in the air and great expectations. What a beautiful country that would prove to be hard on this old man. I had worked all summer exercising by running, weight lifting and steps. Well, it is a good thing I did because I can't image making any of the country and chase on this one bear I saw with out the effort I put forth during the summer.

Hunted 5 full days and half of another one seeing only one bear and never getting a shot. The first day we went in 26 miles on four wheelers and hiked four miles on foot when we got there. Here are pictures of the first day.


Me looking out of an old cowboys cabin built in the 1930's

When I looked out the window this is what I saw

Big snake and my friend Mickey killed it.

Look at the poison that leaked out of his fangs on the rock

Second day



Third, Fourth and Fifth day - Fourth day we chased the only bear for half a day trying to cut him off since you can not bait in Arizona and we covered five miles in the chase that took us in and out of canyons and up and over ridges. I took four advil when I went to bed and two ours later took four more just to get to sleep and have relief from my knees. Yes, a Country HARD ON ME - AN OLD MAN.


Time for coffee and lunch break


My two friends Mickey on the left and Jim on the right




Yes another one I found





Looks like you had a real adventure, even though you didn't fill your tag.
I love Arizona (I have Arizona blood in me) :wink: !

That's mighty beautiful country out there Mike. The important thing is you're out there. Yeah! it's nice to fill the tag but that's hunting. To me taking an animal is secondary. To be out there and be one with nature is more important than taking an animal. DF
Yes, it is the hunt that matters the most to me. This is the fifth time I have been there and only once have I been able to take a shot on a bear and get him. I love the hunt and this was by far the toughest I have been on in a long time.

When we were chasing that big boy I dove off into a deep canyon to try and drive him out. I went at least a half mile down that canyon and it was very rough with many places for the bear to hide. The bear went up and out because I could see where he went up by the torn up ground. I was so tired and new that if I did not climb out up this steep side it would cost me at least 45 minutes to an hour of time and I would be out of the hunt. Well guys, that was one steep side and I was shot when I got to the top. Fell in that canyon twice and put 7 marks on the stock and one on the barrel of my 358Win. My rifle was baptized in the ways of Arizona :)
That really looks like and sounds like a great hunt, Mike! One of these days I'm going out there myself. I'll likely be toting something synthetic, though - both rifle and knees.

Seriously, that was a great looking hunt. You should be proud. Reminds me of something said in one of my favorite books, by Ranger Captain Woodrow Call, "I'd like to see that country, before all the bankers an' laywers get ahold of it."
Great pictures and a scintillating account. Thanks for sharing, Mike. Arizona is indeed beautiful country. Your photos did it justice.
It looks like you had a great time and it sure is beautiful country.
Being there is the hunt the game is just a bonus :)
Wow, Bullet what a sight. By the way, what did you guys do with the snakes. yikes.
russ808":kx048s00 said:
Wow, Bullet what a sight. By the way, what did you guys do with the snakes. yikes.

The first one we eat for breakfast the next day and the second one we eat for the evening meal the day we killed it.
russ808":197ttua2 said:
Do they really taste like chicken : :?:

In a way they really do just a little chewier that's all. Really good if prepared and fried in a batter.
WOW that is not what comes to mind when I think of bear country! Very impressive still though.

What do the snakes taste like? I've always wanted to eat one. We have a few around here but nothing that size!
Yep, Arizona is a tough state to hunt. It looks like you had a great adventure. Thanks for the story and pics.

Thanks, for posting to this pictures. I really enjoyed seeing the wild country. Glad you had a good time even tho you didn't fill the tag.
As you've said, the hardest trophy won is always the sweetest, sometimes the memory marks on rifle or skin are the only things we take away from a memorable hunt.

longwinters":1g71yd9h said:
Yep, Arizona is a tough state to hunt. It looks like you had a great adventure. Thanks for the story and pics.


Amen on it being tough to hunt, yet every time has been an adventure that was different than the other times.
jtoews80":1aawfx0z said:
Thanks, for posting to this pictures. I really enjoyed seeing the wild country. Glad you had a good time even tho you didn't fill the tag.
As you've said, the hardest trophy won is always the sweetest, sometimes the memory marks on rifle or skin are the only things we take away from a memorable hunt.


You are welcome, and yes, the marks will remind me of the trip.