AB or Partition for Moose


Oct 15, 2007
I have worked up a 225 gr Partition for my 350 Remington Mag for moose this fall in Newfoundland. The magizene will fit +/- 2.80" OAL. Two questions.

1: AB vs. Partitions for moose
2: Are AB's alot longer in the same weight?

I lke the idea of the AB in the short box for less deformity from recoil. but would probaly have to use a light crimp to keep from setting the bullit back under recoil.

The 350 custom ammo in 225 Partitions at 2500 did not group well. I am using the Nosler max load listed - 60 gr. IMR 4320 and the 225 Partitions and grouping around 1.5". This gun wears a Leupold 2.5x8 heavy duplex so it may shoot better than the groups indicate, but minute of moose anyways.
I would not hesitate with either bullet. FWIW, I'm strictly ABs in my rifles, be it for deer, elk, moose or bear. As for your accuracy, try didferent powders, primers and seating depths. You may find that right combination to get MOA or less. I do believe the ABs are a touch longer than PTs, which may be from the plastic tip. I could be missing something on the length issue.

At what range are you expecting to shoot? Reason I ask, is if you are staying 200yds or less, 1.5" MOA is just fine.
I would suspect better accuracy with the Partition just due to way less distance to the lands that the AccuBond may require do to the short magizine?

Try either Reloder-15 or IMR-4060 to see if your groups tighten up first. And of corse have you tried changing the OCL for that load as well to find what shoots best?

225/250 Partition all work great on moose and with the 225gr anything over 2400 fps will do it, It dosen't have to be max listed velociy these are big bullets! If yours groups at only 2500 fps use it it will work!
If the Partitions are not shooting well in your rifle, try the accubonds. They shoot better in my guns. 225gr Accubonds vs. Moose, the Moose will loose.
Either bullet would work great for moose. The problem is that the AB is longer and may not fit the SA magazine of your rifle. If it does, great.
You might want to try a different powder(s) with the 225 gr PT.

Had some time tonight, that load previously had shot better, so I set the OAL out a bit and added a slight crimp and wallah - two 3 shot groups .745 and .614.

I've had this rifle for some time and never hunted with it, had it made for a black bear hunt years ago, but the hunt came before the rifle. Not as pretty as my NCR07 but at 7lb 8oz ready to hunt it's easy to carry.



Nice looking rifle and a good shooting load. Looks like you are ready for moose. :wink:

Don't you love it when a plan comes together!! Looks like you've got a good shooter.
Good Hunting
Elkhunt :grin: