Accutrigger replacement

Salchi Papa

Sep 16, 2024
I can’t say I hate the accutrigger on my Savage 110 but I really just don’t like it. I mean it works and I can shoot the rifle well but I know there’s better out there. Mainly what I’m looking for is a better trigger feel on my finger and more consistency in group size. At 100yds with my hand loads I’ll get a 3/4” group but 4 are touching on the right side and 2 are touching on the left side with some space in the middle. I’ve tried adjusting it but I’m just stopping while I’m still ahead and looking for advise on replacing it. What triggers do you recommend this is a hunting rifle but I do shoot some distance and need/want just a little more. I’m planning to replace the accustock as well so if you wanna chime in on that too please keep in mind hunting rifle. I attached a pic the center 6 shots is the groups I see. The black sticker is a 3/4” sticker


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SP - I agree w/ you on the Accutrigger, I just never came to like it. I love a Timney and have switched over on 3 of my rifles, all set at 2 or 2.25lbs. (Timney has a video on their website showing how to replace an Accutrigger. Make sure you pay attention to the C Clip; they call it an E Clip. It likes to fly off to parts unknown.) As for a stock I have tried many at all the price points. I'd better not chime in...

SP - I agree w/ you on the Accutrigger, I just never came to like it. I love a Timney and have switched over on 3 of my rifles, all set at 2 or 2.25lbs. (Timney has a video on their website showing how to replace an Accutrigger. Make sure you pay attention to the C Clip; they call it an E Clip. It likes to fly off to parts unknown.) As for a stock I have tried many at all the price points. I'd better not chime in...

I’d like to hear your thoughts on the stock. It was recommended to me to get a Boyd’s wood stock and have it pillar bedded and then glass bed the recoil lug and rear tang to have it free float the barrel properly. I have no experience with Boyd’s the only stock I replaced was on a weatherby vanguard with a bell and Carlson medalist.
Can you elaborate a little on what you like this is the trigger recommended to me.
it's adjustable and doesn't have the safety blade that can make you recock or cycle the bolt. i think it's the "sav-1" trigger (14ozs-3#) as the sav-2 is 4ozs-3#. my 1st 110 (300wm) has the accu-trigger and it took me a while to figure out wth was going on. i like the 110 actions, just not the trigger! plus when installing the trigger a spring went into never-never land, so called them up and explained what happened. they sent me a replacement spring at no charge although i said i'll pay for as it was my fault. can't beat good people!
I’d like to hear your thoughts on the stock. It was recommended to me to get a Boyd’s wood stock and have it pillar bedded and then glass bed the recoil lug and rear tang to have it free float the barrel properly. I have no experience with Boyd’s the only stock I replaced was on a weatherby vanguard with a bell and Carlson medalist.
i have experience with boyd's and it wasn't so good (at-1) as it was for a dbm. if you know or have good knowledge about working a stock, it might be good for you? i couldn't get the action to sit correctly for the mag engagement. the action hole placement wasn't quite in the right place and would need a good pillar and bedding. other than that, i like the stock.
I’d like to hear your thoughts on the stock. It was recommended to me to get a Boyd’s wood stock and have it pillar bedded and then glass bed the recoil lug and rear tang to have it free float the barrel properly. I have no experience with Boyd’s the only stock I replaced was on a weatherby vanguard with a bell and Carlson medalist.
SP - First off, I like the Accustock. I like it's adjustability and its weight. Second, I think stock options are much more personal - and much more numerous - than triggers. If this is a hunting rifle, what kind of hunting? How heavy can you manage? Do/did you like your B&C? Which of your buddies' stocks fits you the best? Is an $800 stock that much better? There are so many good options out there, and not all need bedding. If you and your stock are shooting that good already, the pragmatist in me says hunt for a season and then reassess. Final opinion - for my type of hunting I would want an ambidextrous stock (not a thumbhole). I seem to have more than my share of off-handed shots.

I primarily hunt deer in central PA from a tree stand and walking around. The b&c stock was ok nothing bad about it just no other experiences. I would not get a thumb hole stock and can manage weight. I'd like to stay around the same weight as the accustock now but if I can shave a little that’s fine too
I put a rifle basix trigger in a couple of savage 110, rifles for the guys I shoot long range with . they were happy with the new trigger .it's an easy straight forward swap.
The Rifle Basix trigger is very nice. I like it better than the Jewel I have. If they make one for your rifle, I'd start there.
As for stocks, I have a HS Precision Hunter on my 338 RUM. It is a robust design, has an aluminum V bedding block and looks good. Definitely worth a closer look.



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Thanks JD pretty much the route I want to take just wasn’t sure since I’ve never done this before. Someone cut down the money tree in the yard so I have to make more informed decisions
Timney triggers are the easy button with replacement triggers. Have used dozens, never had an issue.

Hear good things about Rifle Basix but have yet to try one.