Aging & Hunting

That is some beautiful looking country ! I could only wish our altitude here matched that there... :wink:
I have yet to hit the 39 mark, but have always had an active job and been lucky enough to spend a lot of time in the mountains.

Things changed a couple years ago and have now found myself behind a desk daily......I started working out daily, and found that the weights actually helped as much if not more than the cardio workouts. I've tried to keep it relative to what I'd be doing out in the field... boots, heavy pack etc. I can say that the recovery period is certianly starting to take longer now.....

I think my biggest issue is, my hunting buddy works for the BLM on a helitac crew....he's in better shape now than he was in his 20's. All the more motivation for me to keep with it.
Heck we're practically neighbors-I'm just across the border at Beavelodge.

I'm through Beaverlodge several times a month. I was just there yesterday as I had to pick up some remodelling supplies in Grande Prairie. Drop by for a coffee some time.
I'm on the other side of 65 too, and slower on the slopes than I was hunting Colorado years ago. Now I pay more attention to setting up the hunt to cater to my strengths, and hunting with some younger guys who like to prove how strong they they are, and finding some private ground to hunt.

When I go to Montana to hunt with my cousin who is my age, I listen to him when he says not to shoot the bucks or bulls on the down hill side. ;)

Hunting is too much fun to give up just for age.

Big Rifle Man , this year I was lucky and I got my biggest bull to date we were hunting the farmland and left the cabin a little late forgot my boots so I shot him in my flip flops.
We grunted for 20 mins. until I said we should drag him with the truck to the edge of teh ditch and push him in :roll:
DrMike, I actually did my internship at the Regina Apostolic Church.
It really is a small world as I heard you mention GP.
My cousin who owns the cabin at Somme and is one of my hunting partners has both his kids working in that area as they used to live in GP but were transferred to Hinton a few years ago.
Now they are back doing a lot of work right around Grand Prairie.
They work for a gas company I think it is called BJs.
The oldest one Derek is my God son and the crazy kid shoot a 338 laupa but then God gave him no neck and he can pick up a hind quarter of a elk with one arm :wink:

Walk as much as ya can, swim if ya cant. Pretty profound coming from a guy who hunts from crutches or a wheelchair aint it?? :lol: My max distance now is down to about 200 yds provided it aint on plowed ground or long grass country weeds we love so much. I used to crawl on my belly through fire bush looking for rabbits, but I was 12 and stupid and got the worlds worst case of chiggers (seriously). I tried to post some pictures I got from aquantance that I hunted antelope with a few years ago. He has had a stroke. Affects one side of his body so he shoots one armed (way better than me, with both hands.) Lots of therapy surgery and all kinds of crap. Any way, some how or another he got in good with the "life flight" paramedics from some hospital in Billy Goat country. I have pics of him getting airlifted out of some fearsome country after shooting a beautiful "billy". Point is , of course, just get out and do it with friends or family or whoever, as much as you can. But you already know that. :wink: CL ... l&partId=7 ... l&partId=5 ... l&partId=6 ... l&partId=4

PS. Technically, I guess he was cheating. :) Sorry dont mean to high jack your thread.

PSS. Grandpa "jumped" his last prairie stock dam for ducks, at about age 83. He had a route of local dams he could walk a short distance or drive close too. He finally quit when his eyesight went. He lived for several more years and went with me and a friend a few times to sit at those same stock dams when the doves came in in the evening. And THAT as you know is priceless.
I'll admit it, I now sit behind a desk (have for past 12 yrs) and in the past my work life kept me in good shape. But I know I am not in shape and need to be. I am noting I am starting have a heck of a time just walking a couple of miles on the flatlands here in ND and I believe the Good Lord will come and try & take me home if I try a real back country hunt. I just aint got no stamina no more..

With that said, I am simply outta shape. But I am 45 in good health, great blood psi, good cholesteral, no known issues of than carrying an extra 25lbs, planter fasciatis and the vericose veins are starting. I just find it very hard to excersize & change eating habits. I grew up on a farm and did alot of heavy labor throught my life. So I was in shape and could eat anything I wanted. However I know I need to change so I dont end up like a 300lb desk that cant drag a 100 doe down a hill without risking a massive hemorrage. Yes life is busy, job takes me all over the states, kids are active in this & that, always got this and that to do. Somehow I gotta change. On a good note, the diet is changing almost drastically, but for the better as the wifes bloodwork is showing increased glucose intolerance. But excersizing just to excersize sucks.......

In closing, I am just sedentary. I need to figure out how to be like my 71 yr old Dad, who still bangs nails, farms and can run me into the ground. And my step-grandpa, who lives in MT and was last yr the "oldest-licensed elk hunter" in MT @ 94 and very capable of hunting, fishing, gardening, fixing and such.

But nothing worth having comes free and easy.. :lol:
