America is armed to the teeth right now........


May 30, 2009
Trust me, I know. They ask for it , they got IT.I personally think it is a beautiful thing.Remember Nazi Germany!! Even the armed forces won't be able to overcome the armed civilian. There are just to many.Thank God America will not end up like Australia.Yes indeed, the second amendment is a righteous thing.They will never get my guns, until the suck the last breath out of me.
"The Right To Keep An Bear Arms Will Not Be Infringed."
yep, my gun club sold 150 guns in 2008. As of right now, they have sold (sent out the door) 100 guns so far this year, with ten more waiting on the CA 10-day wait, and two pages of member wishlist guns due to unavailability.
BHO or B.O. for short has sold more guns than all the other presidents combined. My local dealer loves him. He is grossed over a million dollars in the last six.The boys down south ain't giving up their guns. I live here ,I know these guys.Hell will follow if they try.