Ameristep Grizzly Deer Cart


Oct 11, 2006
I hope this is the place to do this but I bought one of these carts last year. Took it to elk camp and lost a cotter pin and plastic spacer sleeve to the wheel axel. Well I emailed the company yesterday to find out how to get a new one.

They were supper helpful and got back to me in one day. And the best part is they are sending me the parts for free even though it was my fault for losing them.

Great company to deal with and it good to know there are still some companys out there like that.

It's good to hear both sides of the customer service issue in the shooting industry. Here's my recent experience:

I bought a $250 Jewell trigger for one of my varmint rifles. It comes with 2 itty-bitty springs which can be installed to adjust the range of pull weight. I dropped one of the tiny springs on my bench and could not find it.

I called Jewell and explained what happened. The guy who answered the phone sounded like he was being put out by my request for another spring (which I was willing to pay for). Either way he said that he would ship one to me. Three weeks later and I haven't seen or heard a thing from Jewell.

Make of this what you will.


Sounds like you hit someone on an off day. Should you ever need to phone again, likely you'll find a very helpful individual. Unfortunately, we don't need to connect with the first in the shooting sports too often, so any negative experience tends to leave a bad taste. However, I'm prone to believe that most of the service representatives in those supplying to the shooting sports are very helpful, just as C. Smith describes.

Good to hear that they took care of you. Still a few good companies out there that understand customer service.

Maybe we should start a sticky post that list all the good manufactures that have great customer service and support. :idea:

Guess I need to e-mail them. My mom bought me one of those deer carts for Christmas. First time I took it out the darn wheel broke, all I had on the cart was a 20 pound climbing tree stand :evil: