Antlerless Permits

The only time in past 15 years or so I didn't kill an elk was because I already killed my once in a lifetime cow moose to finish my Idaho moose hunting career off (unless I draw a super tag which is like winning the lottery). That is the only meat I'd prefer over elk.

Any idea how many elk you've killed? I've killed more elk than deer and use to keep track but forgot where I was at a few years back (about the time my kids were born). I never wrote it down unfortunately. Signs of getting old I guess. I know it was north of 30 and I think it's around 35 now but that is a WAG. About half of those were cows with a muzzle loader plus 5 or 6 cows with a rifle.
Any idea how many elk you've killed?
For some reason I started keeping a log in the 60's, so I do have my, my dad's, and another young fellows numbers, whom I have hunted on and off with over the years. I like to keep the exact numbers private. They have all been fair chase, and legally tagged. I sent you a PM with more specifics.
You guys have done some elk hunting.

Congrats on a lifetime afield.

Guy says
You guys have done some elk hunting.
Guy, I have been blessed to have the time, resources, great partners, and to have lived in some real good elk country. It's been a great run, and I have enjoyed very day of it.