Any load data for 270 wby & 300 Ultra with 8700 or H870?


May 19, 2007
Has anybody got any load data with either H870 or 8700 for the 270 wby & 300 Ultra Mag??

The 270 wby has a slow twist, so I'll be starting with 130 grain accubonds and Sierra GameKings. If it'll handle 140's I'll for sure use them, but I am not sure it will.

THe 300 Ultra will get 180 & 200 grn Accubonds because I still have lots and the big 30's need some reason for that powder use anyway.

Thx, JT.

QL projects a max charge of 82.5 grains of H870 with 130 grain AB. This will be a compressed load, occupying 116% of the case. The maximum charge for 8700 is 86 grains, which is a 122% fill ratio (not likely to be achieved). For the 140 AB, a max load will be 80.5 grains of H870. For 8700, the projection is 84 grains, which is a 121% fill ratio.
If you could get 150gr to stabilize in your 270Wby (not sure what your twist is) I've had stellar results with 150gr Speer Spitzers and 82gr of A8700. The published max is 88gr, which is actually pretty good velocity, but my accuracy was much better at 82gr. I did not play with seating depth on these loads, though. If you'll PM me your email address, I can send you a pdf of Accurate's load data for each round from their old guide. It has the 8700 data in it.
870 might be a touch slow for the 270 wby...unless you like really compressed loads. I just started reloading for it so am not an expert by any means but so far I've had great luck with 130 sst and fed 215 Imr 7828. shot many loads under 1" as I worked my way up in charge wt. They heaviest charge I loaded shot the best at about .6 for 4 shots at 100 yds. Velocity was 3485 ave chrono @ 15ft. I plan to switch to the 130 interbond and work up hoping for similiar results. Gun is pre 64 model 70 with 26" aftermarket barrel. RL22 shot several loads under 1" also but was a little bit slower in velocity and accuracy kind of went down hill when the loads got stout. RL25 never really got up to speed for me but I didn't go past 75 grs with it and it only netted 3250 fps. But it shot several load wts well also. I hesitate to publish my charge wt with IMR 7828, suffice to say I am just below the speer max in Manual #13 for 130 gr. But each gun is different. Mine does have the Saami chamber and throat. In my case I would classify the load as "warm" but primer pockets are still tight after reloading the cases. I would say a chronograph is a must as you work up your loads; so you know where you are at as there is no free lunch with velocity. What is ok in my gun might be too hot in others or vice versa..thus the need to work your way up in charge wt.
BTW-OAL on the best shooting load was 3.350 Most of the loads I tried had OAL of 3.280 Going with the longer oal may have improved some of them...then again maybe not.
300 rum, I run Fed 215, Rem brass, Stout charge of RL25, 200 AccuBond = 3150+ fps and great accuracy sorry no info on 870. You could google a site called Steve's reloading pages. He has data for about everything you could imagine. Most of it looks to be inline with reality but I would employ the usual caveat.. work up your loads..