Anybody have a Sako TRG-s 30-378?


May 19, 2007
A shop within an hour has a Sako TRG-s in 30-378 with a 8-32X40 Elite 4200 for $1500 or 1100 without the scope. It has only been sighted in supposedly. Anybody have one of these? How does it compare to the Mark V Accumark?

Thanks for the info.

OK I had one for a while. Had to get rid of it.

Strong points

Very light and accurate. Good construction and it is a Sako.

Weak points:

Main thing is the recoil lug is too damn small and stocks have a tendency of cracking.
The way the ejector is positioned my M1 Leupy windage dial would interfere with the ejecting process. The shell would hit the windage dial and it would place the shell right back on top of the magazine outside the chamber thus rendering it a single shot basically. Removing it was a beach!
Out of ignorance:

I bought my 30-378 from Gunbroker. com. They had Sacos at a cheaper price than the Weatherbys. They were still there when I bought my WBY.
I don't know why other than my opinion that they were ugly compared to the WBY. ???
I bought my Accumark for about $1300 Considering the value of the Leupold and mounts, etc. I wouldn't trade it for the Saco!!! and I am a fan of Saco rifles.
Good Hunting
Elkhunt :grin:
The Sako TRG-S has a problem with the stocks cracking in the wrist area. I just repaired my .338 WM. Also, like was said above, the recoil lug is like a big tit under the action. Not even attached to the gun.
Thanks guys, I think I'll leave this one alone. I can get a wby for 1500 or so when guys realize that the shells don't get cheaper....... Some turn to handloading and other sell almost new rifles, err cannons.

I wonder if that gun would be a good candidate for a trip to the smith before the stock/recoil lug problems bite?? Get an oversize lug and a brake added on??
Or is this not possible. Moreover not possible to do under the $4-$600 differential between it and a weatherby??

The muzzle brake will run you about 200.00 installed. This would help immensely in my opinion. I am having one put on mine as we speak. The recoil lug problem is a bit trickier. Those stocks have an internal frame then the plastic is "poured" over it to create the stock configuration. The recoil lug area is all Devcon or other type metal infused bedding.

I have not found anyone with any ideas on how to fix that paticular problem. That said, I will not be selling mine, it shoots to well. 3 shots will clover leaf at 200 yards as long as I do my part.
They're down to $1200 for the combo now, might be worth a vais break now.

That is a steal for a MK V Pop, I know, but when you add the $400 of so in fees and 6-8 months wait into it, to get it home. I better let you buy that one. :cry:

Man, did that Mark V go for 995! Wow. I am never around when the good deals are there. Scotty