AR-15 today

Guy Miner

Master Loader
Apr 6, 2006
Met a fellow with a new Sig AR-15 type critter today. He had just mounted the ACOG sight/scope on it, and was unfamiliar with the rifle. We got it sighted in initially at 25 yards, then at 100 yards. Soon as he was on at 100 yards I challenged him to hit the steel silhouette I'd placed at 300 yards. He'd never fired a rifle at that distance. His second or third shot rang the gong, then he hit it with at least half of the ammo in his magazine, grinning happily the whole time.

We also sighted in his nice new Ruger 10/22 with a 2-7 Leupold. And did some defensive handgun drills with his Sig 9mm. What a great way to spend the morning.

I actually managed to take a few shots with my .25-06 and my own AR-15 too. That often doesn't happen when I'm working with others...

Good fun!

Good stuff, Guy. It is always a joy to read of less skilled shooters discovering the joy of hitting where they aim.
Very good stuff Guy. Those Sigs are supposed to be pretty good ARs.
Thanks guys. We worked a lot on basic rifle marksmanship skills;

Bone support instead of muscle support was big, as was breath control and trigger control.

Introduced him to BRASS: Breathe, Relax, Aim, Sights, Squeeze.... He picked right up on that and started making a lot of hits on my 300 yd steel gong!
Man, Guy, you sure have some fun days. :grin:
Good stuff.
I'll bet you're a good teacher.
Good for you.
Thanks. I like my new "job" and the boss is a great guy! :mrgreen: