Went out today and finished breaking in the Glock 20.
Got the new red dot, Vortex Defender, sighted in. Took a bit since it was way off in left field. I like bangin’ steel.
Did some double taps, target to target transitions, hammers, and failure drills too. Right now I’m sighted in at 10 Yards with my edc ammo. Before heading out in the field I’ll sight in with the Buffalo Bore ammo.
I’m finding for a defensive handgun that 10 Yards seems to put me closest to the X at various distances. Sighted in at 25 Yards seems to put me too far off from my point of aim when shooting closer.
Got the new red dot, Vortex Defender, sighted in. Took a bit since it was way off in left field. I like bangin’ steel.
Did some double taps, target to target transitions, hammers, and failure drills too. Right now I’m sighted in at 10 Yards with my edc ammo. Before heading out in the field I’ll sight in with the Buffalo Bore ammo.
I’m finding for a defensive handgun that 10 Yards seems to put me closest to the X at various distances. Sighted in at 25 Yards seems to put me too far off from my point of aim when shooting closer.