Pistol Red Dot Optics đź”´


May 26, 2012
My first, and so far only, pistol red dot đź”´ optic has been a CT 5 MOA optic.

It came with what I call my “Summertime not expecting trouble” Springfield XDs - 9 3.3 pistol. I’ve grown to like the red dots and will be putting something similar on my Glock 20 tomorrow with backup iron sights. The iron sights are the XS Express Big Dots.

I find that for defensive use the big dots are great but the red dot 🔴 is even Mo’ Betta! What’s y’all think? Would love to hear from those that use them, like them or not, and also from those that are considering them.

I put a Vortex Venom on my G40 and with a rest the 100 yr target / gong rings all day long. Like previous post - its a game changer.
What size dots are y’all running?

My Crimson Trace is a 5 MOA dot and the Vortex I ordered is a 6 MOA dot.

I put a Burris Fast Fire 2 on my S&W 629 3". No problem hitting the 100 yard gong.

If I am not mistaken (I often am) that's what I'm running on my M69. I have not shot it at 100, but it seems like a worthwhile adventure. Am I the only one who's had a hard time adjusting to the dot? Been running it for about a year now, and I still take what feels like a long time to pick up the dot.
Shooting 50 yards or less a 5-6moa woks for me, but not a fan of anything over 3. This is on small optics that go on pistols. If it were on a pcc or rifle/sbr/pistol/carbines a larger dot with a much larger window 42mm or larger, the larger dot is fine. Using the venom with a 3moa is my go-to optic. I do have other brands such as leupold, crimson, jp, vortex, trijicon, sig and a few others, but all have the smaller dot. I don't wear glasses or any other vision issues, so they all work for me (57 years old).
If I am not mistaken (I often am) that's what I'm running on my M69. I have not shot it at 100, but it seems like a worthwhile adventure. Am I the only one who's had a hard time adjusting to the dot? Been running it for about a year now, and I still take what feels like a long time to pick up the dot.

You’re welcome.

I have several pistols set up with red dots. By far my favorite is the Holosun 507X2 that allows you to choose a circle dot reticle. I find this much easier to pick up than a simple dot. All my future ones will have a circle dot option.
The more I think about a circle reticle for a pistol it starting to make some practicality. Better FOV as so to insert the target inside and just pull the trigger. Doesn't need to be precision, just get you there without thinking/focusing about the target.
If I am not mistaken (I often am) that's what I'm running on my M69. I have not shot it at 100, but it seems like a worthwhile adventure. Am I the only one who's had a hard time adjusting to the dot? Been running it for about a year now, and I still take what feels like a long time to pick up the dot.
It might not be you but rather the ergonomics of the gun.

I always felt I was a little slow to pick up the dot when shooting my Springfield Armory pistol with a red dot optic. I proved to myself today that I am slow to pick up the dot on that gun.

When bringing the Glock up the red dot jumps out at me. No searching, twisting, or tilting the gun. So maybe it’s just an ergonomic issue? Try some different stocks on your 69 and see if that changes how fast you pick up the dot.
