My first, and so far only, pistol red dot
optic has been a CT 5 MOA optic.
It came with what I call my “Summertime not expecting trouble” Springfield XDs - 9 3.3 pistol. I’ve grown to like the red dots and will be putting something similar on my Glock 20 tomorrow with backup iron sights. The iron sights are the XS Express Big Dots.
I find that for defensive use the big dots are great but the red dot
is even Mo’ Betta! What’s y’all think? Would love to hear from those that use them, like them or not, and also from those that are considering them.

It came with what I call my “Summertime not expecting trouble” Springfield XDs - 9 3.3 pistol. I’ve grown to like the red dots and will be putting something similar on my Glock 20 tomorrow with backup iron sights. The iron sights are the XS Express Big Dots.
I find that for defensive use the big dots are great but the red dot
