B-tip, Accubond or Partition for 308


Nov 7, 2006
I just picked up a squeaky clean Remington 722 .308 and I reading back through the threads, I see a lot of discussion related to use if the B-tip and the AccuBond but nary a word about using partitions. The other Big Game rifles in my arsenal are a 30.06 and the 300 win and I have stockpiled 165 and 180 grain partitions. Would I be better off using the B-tip or AccuBond in the 150 grain or 160 grain versus the Partition with the .308
That 308Win will be fine with the Partitions, although it would also be well equipped with the tipped bullets, too. Just see which ones shoot well in your gun, and enjoy having the trifecta of mainstream 30cals!
You wouldnt need a Partition on something like white tail but it would get the job done just fine, if you have em then load em up! My dad used to use a 165gr B-tip on white tail out of his 30-06 and said it was devastating! But your partitions should be fine, dont see a reason to go out and spend more money, just my $.02

What are you going to be hunting with your 308 Win?

I shoot anything 150 - 165 out of my 308. If using a BT I would go with the 165 but with the Partition any size that gives you the best accuracy would be my choice.

If you pick the 165 gr AB or PT you're set for everything in NA...short of "da bears"
I shoot both the 165gr Accubonds out of my .308, but that what was the most accurate load out of mine. As said earlier, the Accubonds or Partitions in the 165gr group will do the job just fine.Good luck.

Like Remmy said with a good tough 165 there is hardly a hunter can not do under 300 yards on most game! :wink:
POP":2ogq6m04 said:
Like Remmy said with a good tough 165 there is hardly a hunter can not do under 300 yards on most game! :wink:

That is the one thing that I think is the most overlooked aspect of the .308. You have to keep your distances realistic. You cannot expect to make a 500 yard shot on an Elk with a .308 and take it cleanly, you just dont have the power. Stay within 250-300 yards and you are set, besides, getting that close is half the fun of the hunt. :grin:

I've got an old remington 600 in 308,after many years I tried the 150gr Partition,turned out to be the best shooting bullet in it and has served me well.If the 165 shoot well go with them they will do fine.
My intention is to use the .308 on antelope and whitetail deer. That said, I am likely to also encounter mule deer so I need to keep that in mind. I have actually considered using 150 grains in the .308 so as to punch smaller holes in the antelope. They do fall over dead when you whack them with the 300 and an 180 grain Partition but you can also pass a golf ball through the animal using the bullet track. In the end, I expect I will use which ever grain bullet that my gun likes best. I also plan to start with I4350 and I4891 and then maybe try Varget. My buddy who has having trouble with 165 partitions in his Kimber .308 solved his problems with I4350. Next on my wish list is a Remington 722 .243 or a 721 270 or 300H&H 8)
The BT will get the job done for sure. If it were me, I would try the 165 gr AB. It would be a good match for the game you are hunting with your 308 Win. It will also give good long range performance for Antelope.
