Back on the board and rifle question


Feb 27, 2014
Hey All. I took a bit of a hiatus but am back on the board. But it's good to get back on here and start shooting (the breeze and bullets) again.

I am in the market for a 7mm-08 for my wife, most likely a youth model.

I have been looking at the Savage Axis models for cost purposes, but wondering if there is a different brand with youth models that are decent platforms. It would need to be light and also short. My wife is 5'2" and has shorter arms.

Also Looking at different bullet weights in that calibre. Would mostly be hunting deer, elk or black bear here in BC with it. I was thinking of going with the 140 grain, but also the ballistics of the 150 grain don't look too shabby either. I'm wondering if those rifles tned to prefer one bullet over the other.

Don't know about the loads, sorry.
Savage is a good call. Usually pretty accurate rifles. You might also check out the Ruger American Rifle Compact. Might fit also.
My son has one of each... I like the Ruger better for what it's worth.
I would look at the Remington 700 SPS youth or maybe you can still find a Tikka T 3 on closeout prices still since the new T 3x has come out. I would be looking at the 150 gr Partition as an all around load and maybe find some cheaper 140's or 150's that hit in the same place for practice and deer hunting.
I agree with gerry. The 140 or 150 gr Partition would be a great all around load. I have a Ruger Hawkeye UltraLight and it shoots the 140 gr Partitions and 120 gr Ballistic Tips very well for a thin barreled rifle. My wife is also 5'2" and the Ruger fit her fine. Let us know what you get.
While not a big fan of Savage rifles (just my personal taste as I prefer Remington's and Ruger) they do shoot well. I recently played with my uncles Ruger All American in 250 that shot 1/2 Mia with Federal blue box 150 gr ammo.

I would have your wife handle all of the various makes and models to see which she feels most comfortable with.

While the models mentioned above do make shorter lop models, there are also inexpensive after market stocks that can be used as well.

140 or 150 gr loads or ammo will work just fine for the targeted species within reasonable distances placed well in the vitals. Nobler AB's, PT's, ETips, SGK's, Swift AFrames and others will all perform well, just find the bullet/load combination that the rifle likes best, and that your wife shoots well and comfortably
Just for what it's worth...

These little 7-08 carbines are fantastic rifles but I'll caution you about bullet selection. In my son's rifle- the 140gr Federal Fusion is too tough (despite not having a tough reputation) at the reduced speeds of the 7-08 in a carbine barrel. A 150 yard broad side shot penciled straight through with no expansion but a 50 yard "quartering to" shot expanded perfectly.

Lots of these 7mm bullets are made for 7 Mag speeds, not 300 fps slower. This year he's packing 120gr Ballistic Tips and we're expecting good results.
Thanks guys for the input. We will be making a trip to the local gun store next week to size her up to one. After that, I guess it's going to be trial and error with the bullets. I'm still kind of leaning toward the 140 grain PT, AB etc.
I have a Ruger Hawkeye in 7/08 that shoots quite well with the 140 AB and BT. One thing to note is that both the 120 and 140 BT are pretty tough bullets that were probably built for the 7Mags but work exceptionally well at 7/08 velocities.
...if you're considering the Axis (too many returns @ the store), I'd think about spending just a little more & take a look @ either the Mossberg or Marlin compacts, better buys IMHO. I think the Ruger is better & worth the money. Tikkas are competitively priced, & offer a lot more for features, fit & function...

...if you look around you might find a nice Winchester or Browning in your price range...
I just bought my girl friend a ruger American full size in 7-08. She said it fit at the store but once the scope was mounted the eye relief showed its a little long. I have a compact stock on the way for it so we can put something together that fits a little better. I like the idea of having the 22" barrel vs the 18" on the compact. Should put the muzzle blast a little further away from the shooter. Hopefully it isn't too heavy on the front end with the shorter stock. The good news is when I sighted it in it easily went sub MOA with 140 corelokts. I will be loading 120 btips for her. From my limited experience with the gun, I don't think you can go wrong with the American for the price.

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I would encourage you think about a Remington model 7CDL. it is a nice light compact rifle for our youth/female hunting partners.
There's nothing my .280 can do that the 7-08 can't do just as well. There's really not enough difference in ballistics between the two to talk about really. Certainly at any sane hunting range, the animal won't be able to tell the difference, nor you. And the 7.08 does it more efficiently.

Savage makes a very nice lady hunter model that I looked at briefly when my buddy was getting a rifle for his girlfriend. Very nice walnut stock proportioned for women. Good luck with it. BN