I remember somebody, Scott or Jim I think, saying that the Accubonds like a little bit of bullet jump and the ballistic tip liking to be seated close to the lands when I was working up my .300 Win Mag.
Tonight I was loading up my .338 with Accubonds with IMR 4350 and IMR 4831 and seated them at the recommended COAL of 3.330 according to the Nosler data. The same COAL is given for both the Silvertip bullets and the Accubonds and I was wondering if the same theory of being seated closer to the lands held true for the Ballistic Silvertips as for the regular Ballistic Tips?
I just loaded the recommended load of both powders with the Accubonds as a place to start seeing as how I don't have any of the recommended powder. Any other ideas or words of wisdom?
Tonight I was loading up my .338 with Accubonds with IMR 4350 and IMR 4831 and seated them at the recommended COAL of 3.330 according to the Nosler data. The same COAL is given for both the Silvertip bullets and the Accubonds and I was wondering if the same theory of being seated closer to the lands held true for the Ballistic Silvertips as for the regular Ballistic Tips?
I just loaded the recommended load of both powders with the Accubonds as a place to start seeing as how I don't have any of the recommended powder. Any other ideas or words of wisdom?