? Ballistic Silvertip


May 26, 2012
I remember somebody, Scott or Jim I think, saying that the Accubonds like a little bit of bullet jump and the ballistic tip liking to be seated close to the lands when I was working up my .300 Win Mag.

Tonight I was loading up my .338 with Accubonds with IMR 4350 and IMR 4831 and seated them at the recommended COAL of 3.330 according to the Nosler data. The same COAL is given for both the Silvertip bullets and the Accubonds and I was wondering if the same theory of being seated closer to the lands held true for the Ballistic Silvertips as for the regular Ballistic Tips?

I just loaded the recommended load of both powders with the Accubonds as a place to start seeing as how I don't have any of the recommended powder. Any other ideas or words of wisdom?

Every rifle is different. They will like bullets with different seating depth. Some closer and some farther from the lands. In my experience the AccuBond and ballistic tip has shot really well someplace between 10 and 20 thousands off the lands. The only difference between the BT silvertip and BT is the coating on the bullet. The only AccuBond bullet I have worked with is the 130 gr in my 264 Win mag and it shoots at 20 thousands off the lands. 3350 fps with Retumbo and even at 50 yards it holds together and will exit a deer with DRT results.
Generally, the OAL recommended is (or is near) the SAAMI length. The optimal OAL for your rifle will depend upon a variety of factors. In general, this will mean that AccuBonds (and it appears to hold for ABLR as well) enjoy a bit of jump to the lands. Ballistic Tips (as is generally true for all cup and core bullets) deliver greater accuracy when loaded closer to the lands; there will be at least one node at this OAL.
In every rifle I've shot them in (several over the years)...the BT's shot best when loaded as long as possible without touching the rifling...in my current rifle (30-06) that is the SAAMI length of 3.34"...that is VERY close to the lands in that Winchester chamber, about .005" off...but that's where it likes them.

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