Be careful with a rutting moose

Pretty darned dramatic, Gerry. A good lesson on these big boys; they can move surprisingly fast in that bush.
He was lucky the bull was feeling pretty sick and fell when he tried driving a tine up his backside :shock: I bet he won't be that careless walking up on one again, a bull that size would still be 800 lbs or more.

That country seems familiar, looks to be western B.C. but I haven't figured out where yet.
You're right about the size and about him being fortunate that the bull was already feeling sick or he would have had a tine up his backside.
Moose are one of my favorite big game animals. We lived off the beaten path in SE Idaho for a number of years, and 2 miles behind my house there was a huge concentration of moose. I was hunting mule deer late one day in the middle of the moose rut, and sat down on the ledge of a 30' tall cliff overlooking a patch of quaken asp with sage brush hills in the background. Just before dark a big bull moose sauntered by with a cow by his side. I wanted a better look at him (a buddy of mine had a moose tag that season) so I grunted a couple times. As soon as I grunted, that bull whirled to look at me, sized me up for a second, charged his mate and pushed her so deep into the brush I couldn't see her, and then cam barreling back out of the brush and absolutely destroyed a 50' x 50' piece of ground right below me. He uprooted small trees and brush with his antlers, tore up the sod with his hooves, and displayed his bad attitude for a good 30 minutes. It was an amazing display that I'll never forget. They are like Jekyll and Hyde when rutting and warrant a lot of respect.
When they decide to fight they are a formidable beast. Cool story maverick.
He was careless and obviously did not know how to do this without endangering himself. I am just glad not to be hunting with these city boys! He needs a PH mostly as a babysitter!
I'm sure it was quite the learning experience for him Charlie :)
It looks as though it was quite the learning experience, watching him run from the bull, who has the horn, obviously! :mrgreen:
That was more than that bow hunter was bargaining for :) He isn't just coming in to say hi, he was looking for a good fight. Beauty bull.
I hadn't seen that video. That would require extensive washing of clothing (or a total burn). That good looking bull wasn't looking to congratulate the hunter on a fine shot.
Is this guy supposed to be a "professional"? Was there a misfire, or was he not really very bright and failed to load his rifle??
I had the exact same occurrence with a 4 or 5 year old bull elk. I shot he went down. I worked my way "down" to him and prior to getting close, I made sure a live round was in the chamber (I knew it was) turned the scope down to 2.5, and eased up on him at port arms. At 5 yards he got up and started away from me. I was ready and he went right down at the second shot. What would this "gentlemen" have done if he had been by himself? We all make mistakes but this was totally unnecessary.
A fair number of hunters have been mauled, even killed, by dead bears. Moose (and elk) are big animals. Should they get up, despite being "sick," their mass alone will ensure that someone could be hurt. A lively animal can be positively intimidating when they decide to protect themselves.
Elkman":2gibhsvo said:
Is this guy supposed to be a "professional"? Was there a misfire, or was he not really very bright and failed to load his rifle??
I had the exact same occurrence with a 4 or 5 year old bull elk. I shot he went down. I worked my way "down" to him and prior to getting close, I made sure a live round was in the chamber (I knew it was) turned the scope down to 2.5, and eased up on him at port arms. At 5 yards he got up and started away from me. I was ready and he went right down at the second shot. What would this "gentlemen" have done if he had been by himself? We all make mistakes but this was totally unnecessary.

It's hard to tell from the vid , but after his second shot you can see him kneel down and look for something in the grass, either he is picking up brass or ejected a live round. Not sure if he actually verified a live found was being chambered.
I have watched this show once, this episode in fact and think that this guy is somebody's BIL or Nephew? What are his creds? All he does is blather incessantly, without saying anything. He has not convinced me that he knows anything about hunting, shooting or hunter safety with large animals.
I would say he forgot to load a fresh round somehow, misfires are pretty rare.
I was scared to watch this at first but I only saw him rack it twice and he is left handed but pretty sure in his haste he dropped the pin on a wasted primer and the he got a gentile poke on the backside which made those waders useless anymore! So having to clean them out was probably not required Mike :lol: I would have left them on the river somewhere as I am sure they stunk for sure !
Here is a thought, I know that if that had been me, no one on the planet would have ever seen that video. !!! How about you.? It could be used for training with the face blacked out. But it would probably would have been deleted as soon as I cleaned up.
I would have been the "unknown engineer" wearing a grocery bag over my head with holes for the eyes in those circumstances. It appears that he short-bolted, ejected but did not load a new round. Another vote for CRF! I would not want a running vasectomy from a moose though!