Bear Cubs and New Lens


Jun 22, 2017
Well it's that time of year here in the south and the Smoky Mountain National Park. The bear are out and about more than during colder weather (They don't truly hibernate here in the southeast) and new cubs are finding their way around the "new" world they live in. Moms and last years cubs are stretching their legs and looking for those tasty items to get them started for the year. It's also about the time that I start looking at new photography gear to help capture images of the available wildlife. This year brought the realization that if I was to get one of my dream lenses and still be able to get out and use it then I'd better go ahead and pull the trigger so to speak. I ordered a Canon 500mm f4 and one week after receiving it what better testing ground that the Smoky Mountains.


Great photos. The equipment and the operator seem to be working very well. Where was Mama?
Cute little duffers. You captured a prize shot of the little bruin.
Great photos. The equipment and the operator seem to be working very well. Where was Mama?
Thank You
This particular moma has 4 cubs. These images were of one cub. One sibling was a little higher in the tree and blocked by branches. Mom and the other two had wandered off for awhile.
Great shot, we were just there three days ago. Fantastic adventure, certainly a must see park.
Did you make it to Cades Cove on your trip? The concentration of bear in the cove the past several years has really been something to see. We saw 23 bears on Saturday and 29 on Sunday.

I've heard great things about that lens. :)
Guy I have always wanted either the 500 or 600 Canon. The 500 is always a little less expensive and after watching both on a couple of reputable used equipment sites I decided at almost 60 years old that if I was ever going to get one and have time to enjoy it I better do it now.
So far I have been really pleased with it. Id did require and good amount of focus micro adjustment on my 5D mark IV. but seem to be doing well. These images are with the lens and the 1.4TC and are still pretty heavily cropped.
Did you make it to Cades Cove on your trip? The concentration of bear in the cove the past several years has really been something to see. We saw 23 bears on Saturday and 29 on Sunday.
We did not,
Did you make it to Cades Cove on your trip? The concentration of bear in the cove the past several years has really been something to see. We saw 23 bears on Saturday and 29 on Sunday.
we did not. Went over at Gatlinburg. We were going down there after but family plans changed.
I was very surprised by the country and the fantastic hardwood forests. Spectacular country.
We did not,

we did not. Went over at Gatlinburg. We were going down there after but family plans changed.
I was very surprised by the country and the fantastic hardwood forests. Spectacular country.
Too bad. We can go to the Smokies, spend 3 or 4 days and never enter Gatlinburg. There is however a drive that starts in Gatlinburg called Roaring Fork Motor Trail. It's a really nice drive and we have seen several bear over the years there too. Cades cove is however our favorite place anywhere in the area.
Glad you had a good trip even if you didn't make it there. Now you have a reason to come back.
Can you please give me a reminder about the camera and lens you have.

Can you please give me a reminder about the camera and lens you have.

These were taken with the Canon 5D mark IV and the first gen Canon 500mm f4 L IS with the Canon 1.4 Extender.
If you go back several pages you can see some bear images I did with the Canon 6D and the Sigma 150-600mm lens.