bear skins... ?

Around here, if you shoot a bear, you must take the hide. You can leave the meat in the bush, but the skin comes with you. I too don't need any more skins. The taxidermist idea sounds like a great idea if you can get him to give you a credit on your next wall hanger.
REDGREEN":1tofv9c9 said:
Around here, if you shoot a bear, you must take the hide. You can leave the meat in the bush, but the skin comes with you. I too don't need any more skins. The taxidermist idea sounds like a great idea if you can get him to give you a credit on your next wall hanger.

Fascinating, the rule here is that the meat has to come out from a black bear, though the hide can be left in the bush. Grizzly, on the other hand, must bring out the hide, though the meat can be left in the bush.
We must salvage meat on all spring black bear and some brown bear hunts, the hides, skulls and claws can be sold as long as they came from a predator man agent area.
I have not shot a bear in 25 years but I do have he desire to do another spot & stalk for Black Bear. The idea of hunting Brown Bear or Grizzly is a dream, something I would love to do but can't afford. I wished I live in Alaska should of went when I was young.