Best Deal on a rifle you've ever had to pass up?


May 19, 2007
Awhile back CloverLeaf mentioned passing up a good deal on a 250 savage and looking for the same thing for years. Just wondering what's been the hardest deal to pass up for anybody who cares to comment....
Let's hear it.

This may have been asked already, but I'll ask it again.

In 1992, H&K 93, w/ 2 magazines, optic mount, and 1-4x Hakko compact scope - $700

Today, these rifles sell for over $2000....
I meant to say I started "the best deal passed up" thread back up, not that you'd jacked it. Sorry for the missunderstanding. Only PM'ed because of the 250 savage that you still post about. I mentioned in the post that it had possibly been started before as well, was not trying to be an idiot, but it seems I succeeded.

OK ALL- This is my official PUBLIC appology to CC. I had a Burr under my saddle last night on another front and msiunderstood the intent of the post. I appologize, I should have gone out and kicked the dog instead of sit down at the computer. :oops: I am Sorry. That said, any excuse (even the ones I missed to talk about the 250 Savage :) CL
3 years ago. A Sako 75 in 7m-08 for 700.00 :roll: Had the wifes approval and everything.....I was a dope.

With me, I kick myself more for a couple guns I sold or traded rather than I passed up. The three that come to mind that I know I should have kept are: remington gamemaster 22 pump, 03 sporterized springfield, 686 S&W.

I did pass up a super good buy on an InterArms Mk X 30-06 last year in order for my friend (brand new to hunting) to buy (or steal) for 200 bucks in a shop last year. Had he him hawed at all, I would not have thought twice about it. But very honestly, I am glad that he got such a great deal and more importantly that he'll be hunting again with it this fall. For now, it's safe in my gun cabinet as he is deployed in Iraq.
No problem CL, I should've been more clear, I meant to say restarted, I pm'd you that I started it. It was mostly my fault for not communicating clearly.
