Bite me ODFW


May 4, 2011
So looked at the draw results this morning. NADA. Zip. Zilch.

I had 14 points for Antlerless deer, put in for a unit that traditionally takes 10. Now I have 15 points. What use are these friggin points if you just continually accrue them?

Put in for a party hunt for Buck deer, the point average of the party was one point. We didn't draw. Yet my wife who put in alone, with zero points drew the tag.

Looks like General Season tags and Wyoming Antelope are my last hope for any action this fall.

How did the rest of you do?
Point creep is real. The only way it gets solved is to remove the "buy a point" system, but it's such a huge moneymaker for Fish and Game agencies that it'll never happen. Good luck next year.

I'll find out if I draw an Either Species/Either Sex tag and antelope (I won't, it usually takes 7 points) in KS in mid july, so fingers crossed.
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I did well, put in for point savers for deer, antelope and elk. Got all three:) I have out of state conflicts this year and mathematically should not have drawn any of our preferred hunts. The rest of the party put in as we normally do, They drew two( mule deer and elk) hard to draw hunts as second choices. Not only did they gain points. In Oregon if you draw your second choice you get points, they get to hunt great areas. Go figure
And Washington loves me as much as Oregon loves Dale! ;)

The 2024 Special Hunt drawings have taken place and you were unsuccessful in all categories that you applied for. All results and points have been updated within your customer profile."

LOL! Okay... Bear and Deer and upland birds, and then a trip to Oregon in January. :) Plenty of hunting ahead.

Nothing in utah for Me or my two girls. We had a big year last year so I didn’t expect much.
I am in for deer only in Wyoming and not
Much hope there either.
I can still buy archery cow/spike elk over the counter and I am close on some in state antlerless tags.
I quit Nevada this year. The odds were heavily against me and I decided to quit wasting money.
I’m fine with the draw systems. There are too many people trying for never enough quality game animals. If they offer more tags I just have to deal with more hunters which is not fun. It’s not perfect but there isnt an easy fix either
I didn't draw WY Moose. Still awaiting draw results for WY Antelope. MI draw results for Bear and Elk will be announced later this month. We shall see...

Good luck on the Antelope Jim. My buddy has been trying to draw a private land Antelope for four years with no luck. He's told that the herd is down. He buys points and that's a plus for Fish and Game.
My kids and I drew a blank in OR too. We also drew a blank in UT. Hopefully ID treats us better than last year, which was a blank. That was pretty bad considering I also put my parents and wife in for tags to transfer to my kids. 24 applications and zero draws.
Us Hillbillies in WV have deer, bear, turkey and a few wild boars for big game. There are some older age management areas that have antler restrictions and some areas that restrict number of antlerless deer per season. No elk yet but maybe the heard restoration that was started a few years ago will be plentiful enough for my son and grandkids someday. All said and done we have plenty of opportunity to hunt the animals we have. Dan.
Us Hillbillies in WV have deer, bear, turkey and a few wild boars for big game. There are some older age management areas that have antler restrictions and some areas that restrict number of antlerless deer per season. No elk yet but maybe the heard restoration that was started a few years ago will be plentiful enough for my son and grandkids someday. All said and done we have plenty of opportunity to hunt the animals we have. Dan.
Dan, those Elk are only about 75 miles from ya down my way. And I've seen them on 119 between charleston and logan. Va has an Elk lottery I entered so fingers crossed!!!!
We didn’t even put in for WY this year. The antelope tags are so scarce - and so are the antelope - that the odds in our area aren’t worth it.
And, it’s not worth using all our points right after a drought and a couple of hard winters.

I suspect we will again try CO cow elk late this year.
Year number 46 in a row for moose and bighorn sheep and a big ZERO once again. I purchase the bonus point every year when I apply also, and I usually spend $100.00 or so for SuperTag chances on moose, sheep, goat, and still no luck. Took me 33 years to draw a mountain goat tag. No goat either as populations tanked in the area for my tag.