Blind Screws


May 4, 2011
Is there any outfit that sells just a set of 10 or 12 blind screws?

I don't know where I have misplaced all of mine but I could use some to fill in the front sight and rear sight screw holes on two or three separate rifles.

I need at least 8 of these...
Just saw a set of Gunsmithing screws for about 25.00 on Amazon. Thinking I may just go that route as there are a few other screws in the set that it would be nice to have a spare set of.

Thanks for the help just the same Dr. Vette.
I bought the same set on Amazon but also realized how many of the screw fillers I'll need for a couple of projects I'm working on. So, in addition I bought two sets of screws from him on ebay.
That should keep me for a while.