Book report : Dangerous Game Rifles


Feb 19, 2011
I finished this book a few days ago. Written by Terry Wieland. I really enjoyed it. There is a whole history of the evolution from muzzle loaders through modern day. With a copyright date of 2006, the information was reasonably current. The book breaks down the mechanisms of singles, doubles and bolt action rifles. There are discussions on every aspect of the guns, calibers, practice and reloading. No load data, for liability reasons, but overall a very in depth and comprehensive look at guns made for hunting and more importantly stopping dangerous game.

It was a good read and I would definitely recommend it to anyone with Africa in their future or as something else to add to a rifle cranks library.
Scotty, I would be more than happy to loan it to you. Maybe I could ship it to your home and your wife could get it to you? Shoot me a PM if that might work for you.