Bought new toy.


Range Officer
Staff member
Oct 30, 2004
Works very well!

Not that I have a lot of time on my hands but....... ... ber=220200


When you do get extra time, I will send you all my brass so you can prep it for me. :mrgreen:

Since I do not have enough to do here! :mrgreen:
I just rememberd, 257Ackley has the new case trimmer, maybe he can trim all our brass. :mrgreen: :mrgreen:

Jim and Fotis -
Just did a bunch of 22-250 rounds today, and it is a joy compared to the old method!! It will get expensive for us to start shipping brass around the country to have each of us do different parts of the prep process to the cases.

I don't think I want to do anything for Fotis; he never keeps anything long enough to really enjoy it :p
Ooooh! Cool! There's stuff on there I would have to read the owners for.... :) Nice! CL
That looks like a great idea as I already fully involved with numerous projects and part time work who wants my first 500 cases ??????

You guys reloading techniques reach a technical sofistacation that I will will never achieve. I size um, fill em with powder and bullets and send them down range. My Herters C press is still cranking them out after over 50 years. A very slowly I might add, I did upgrad to a new scale however my balance beam Herters was driving me nuts. Have a great day all !!!!!
Good grief, Bill. I thought that my Lyman Ohaus 500 scale and Lyman 55 powder measure that I bought 45 years ago was old. You have me beat with the Herter's scale.
I got the Forster equivalent for Christmas. Very quickly discovered that I load good quality ammo with very little runout. Now I'm trying to apply it to brass processing to correct any potential causes of runout and am finding culling brass (neck wall thickness variations) pays dividends. I knew it would, just didn't have the tool to prove it.
I have the Hornady case trimmer but bought a RCBS Multi gage to check runout (TIR) and headspace. They both should work fine.
Oldtrader3":3sakq7ry said:
Good grief, Bill. I thought that my Lyman Ohaus 500 scale and Lyman 55 powder measure that I bought 45 years ago was old. You have me beat with the Herter's scale.

Charlie, Kittery Trading Post has a Ohaus 10-10, just like my RCBS for 45.00, BRAND NEW, still in the original box. I think I paid 150 or something for mine. Almost want to buy it, just in case! Scotty
Scotty, that is really cheap for the Ohaus 10-10! I paid that much for the 505 when I bought it 45 years ago. Kittery is ok. I bought a Browning A-Bolt from them that was used but in good shape.
I bought one the first time I saw it . When I got it , it was a great concept , but the rim of the cartridge rode in a spring loaded female center on the Concentricity tool . For the tool to work the rim had to be concentric with the case. I tried it on 3 or 4 different calibers I load but none of the rims where running very true. After I use the Hornady Lock-N-Load when I check them on a Concentricity Gage they where running out badly even though they checked good on the Hornady Gage. Ive never heard of anyone truing up the rim on a case before . I really couldn't use it so I sent it back. Cheap brass I suppose Remington and Winchester. I got the TruAngle instead.

Love it , less than .003 TRI every time . Most times I can get .001 TIR .

TRI = total Indicator run out. KH
khh":2x3pubxk said:
I bought one the first time I saw it . When I got it , it was a great concept , but the rim of the cartridge rode in a spring loaded female center on the Concentricity tool . For the tool to work the rim had to be concentric with the case. I tried it on 3 or 4 different calibers I load but none of the rims where running very true. After I use the Hornady Lock-N-Load when I check them on a Concentricity Gage they where running out badly even though they checked good on the Hornady Gage. Ive never heard of anyone truing up the rim on a case before . I really couldn't use it so I sent it back. Cheap brass I suppose Remington and Winchester. I got the TruAngle instead.

Love it , less than .003 TRI every time . Most times I can get .001 TIR .

TRI = total Indicator run out. KH

What do you use for a concentricity or run-out gage???????
I have a RCBS Case Master Concentricity Gage ... ber=310955

I set up and load as close as I can run out wise. I don't turn or ream the necks nothing like that. Then after all the shells are loaded I check the runout on the RCBS Concentricity Gage. Then I put the high side facing up in the hole the case neck will slide into and press lightly down to straighten it . Its very easy to use and takes just a few mins. in the end all the run outs are under .003 most are around .001 . If I turned and reamed I'm sure I could get them all under .001 . Good hunting KH
You can also set the RCBS gage up to read the headspace datum on the shoulder of any case just by rotating the dial indicator and locking it so that it is perdundicular to the shoulder angle of the case. Then it is easy to rotate the case in the blocks and read the headspace +/- change from resizing with the case head on the limit pin. I do a before and after check on the first three or four cases that I FL resize to check how much I have set back the shoulder (usually about 0.002").