Bull Elk/Muley Hunt Success - Bullet Recovered!!!!!!!


May 12, 2005
I just got back home last night from 18 days at our elk camp. My Uncle and his friend came up on the 14th to help set up camp and then left to return on the 21st. This left me to fend for myself for 7 days. I started the bull season packing my 375RUM w/260ABs on the 15th. I got lucky and came upon a group of muleys does with a forked horn hanging around - his mistake. I let him have it at about 50yds. He took maybe to steps and that was it. Now it's elk time again. I saw some cows, a spike, and a rag horn Sunday morning, but couldn't get a shot off. The next few days, I didn't see squat. Come Wednesday morning, I walked up to my Uncle's perch (as we call it). I got bored sitting there and decided to walk down the backside through the quakies and then circle back around the cattle trail below his perch into the clearings. I was just about out of the first group of pines and all hell broke loose. A large bull shot out from my left, I pulled up the rifle but didn't have enough time. Another bull was right behind him, but with my rifle already up I let one loose. No eveidence of being hit, and no sign of blood, I started a 2hr scouring of the hillside they run up. I was almost positive I didn't hit him, but something told me not to give and to go up one more time to an area just a little further down and look again. Well, I'm the luckiest guy as I came upon a warm 4x4 elk laying between two small pines. As I started to move him out I heard air blowing and found that I had hit him in the area between the ribs and the rear quarter. After a cleaning him - suprisingly I didn't blow his guts up so cleaning was a bit more pleasant than anticipated, I got him back to camp, hung up, and skinned. Here's the interesting thing, a person would figure that using a 375RUM-260AB combo shooting an elk at about 35 -40yds the bullet would exit - NOPE - I found the entry hole and where the bullet had smacked the offside skin, but didn't exit. The guy absorbed over 5000lbs of bullet energy. I figured the lack of an exit had a lot to do with he was hauling some butt to get out of there.

Sorry I rambled on and mad this long, but this definitely one hunt I'll never forget. A 4x4 Elk on a true DIY hunt.

I didn't get any pics of him as I was more concerned about cleaning and how I was going to get my quad (FYI - using an ATV to retieve is legal as long as the trail isn't closed to motorized vehicles)up to him as he died up in the timber with a bunch of dead fall. I tried pulling him down hill but as you can guess that wasn't going to work. I'll get some pics of me with his head/rack in a few days.

NOTE: For those that may get pissy about my ATV use, during that week, my ATV was used to haul wood and to go out the main road to high ground to checkin each evening. All of my hunting was done by hiking around, not riding around.
Well, a big congratulations to you!

Am thinking the 260 didn't exit because at short range it was going so fast it expanded a lot. More expansion generally means less penetration. Don't know that it would have exited anyway. Who knows?

Either way - you got a buck and a bull, and I'm here with tag soup so far! Congrats on a great hunt! :grin:
One last thing; Some POS archer using expanding broadheads, which are illegal in ID, had made a piss-poor shot and hit this guy in the front of the right shoulder. I found the broadhead after opening up what looked like a gigantic zit and drained out about a 1/2 of cup of puss.

Congratulations! Sounds like a superb hunt made all the more delightful by the success you enjoyed. I don't feel at all bad at the use of the ATV; it sounds smart to me in that instance!

Congratulations on our success, way to go!
Looking forward to seeing the pictures. Hope you can find the 260 gr AB.

Well done, good for you to go back and look one more time. I like exit wounds because they leave a blood trail, but sometimes at point blank no matter what the bullet it just does not happen. Congrats.
JD338":1xsrc3i5 said:

Congratulations on our success, way to go!
Looking forward to seeing the pictures. Hope you can find the 260 gr AB.


I think it came out with the guts.
The other guys were giving giving me a bad time about my choice or calibers. I didn't hear anymore when they heard about my elk and the way the hunt went down. I may not be that experienced, but I will say I'm extremely glad I had my 375RUM. I wonder what would've happened if I'd been packing something smaller like my 30-06 or 270WSM - a wounded and lost elk maybe - I don't know.

I'm still a firm believer in the phrase, "Bring Enough Gun".

Oh - I never felt either one of those shots from the 375RUM, barely remember hearing the shot.
Rich, Congrats on a fine bull. I smacked a small 3x4 with a 260 AB out of my 375 R a few years ago @ 240 yards. First shot entered high just in front of the ham (quartering away and down hill) and broke the offside front shoulder and was found under the hide about three quarters of the way down the shoulder. He staggered a bit and put his head down. Next shot went right into the close shoulder and off side shoulder and again was under the hide. Was a bit suprised to find them both, but they did a fantastic job. They looked great and didn't tear up any meat. How did you bull look as far as blood shot goes?

Also busted a spike with that same gun and load @ 30 yards entered just infront of the close shoulder and exited dead center of the offside shoulder. No meat loss there either.

As with you I'm a firm believer that if I had made that first shot with a 270 of some sort I would not have reached the offside shoulder, and he would more than likely not have just stood around in shock. Its going to be hard for me to leave my trusty 338 WM in the case this year while I'm packing the 280 AI. It kind of goes against everything I believe in.
Congrats on the success, sounds like the AccuBond did its job. All the work just gets started after you pull the trigger when elk hunting! Been there done that before, but is so rewarding after all the loading, shooting and preparing all year for the big moment.

Awesome shooting Rich! A branch antlered bull in Idaho is a TROPHY! That sounds like an awesome hunt, glad you were able to capitalize. Sounds like your retirement is going well and all of your hard work on load development really paid off! Scotty
Thanks for sharing the hunt Rich. I'd not be ashamed or afraid to use a 4 wheeler to pack out an elk. like you said it's legal. as for the gun? yep bring enough gun! I plan on probably carrying my 458 Lott next year for elk. JUST BECAUSE I CAN! :lol:
You done good. Thanks for sharing the story.
The 375 RUM and the 260gr. AccuBond were made for each other. It's probably the ultimate calibre for flat shooting and knock down power befitting an elk. From 30 to 250 yards 4 elk have been DRT. JDMAG and I are going to make it #5 for it and #1 for the 458 Lott next year! ( Elmer Keith would have been proud ) :wink:
Congratulations and we sure would like to see some pictures. Man you guys use some serious cannons! Nothing wrong with that but howdy is that some horsepower!! :grin:
I think elk are just big enough to give us an excuse to go play with our big rifles & bullets... :mrgreen:
I finally got some pics of the elk, now I'm just waiting for my Uncle to send them to me. Now the good news is, I have the bullet from my bull. We found it on the plastic sheet when my Uncle went to move the rib cage after picking most of the meat from it. I got some pics of the bullet, but I'll be danged if I can find the cord to plug the camera into the computer - guess I'll be visiting Best Buy or someplace tomorrow.

Anyway, here's the specifics:
375 Cal 260gn AccuBond - the recovered bullet weighs 176.4gns.

Good to hear you found the bullet! 68% weight retention is pretty good.
