Bullet dilema for a .30-06


Aug 25, 2006
I have a bolt action Savage 110. I have been loading 165 gr. Partions for deer hunting. I love the Partion, but the tip gets mared up on the cup in front of the chamber during chambering. I switched to a Ballistic Tip and the bullet feeds fine. The only problem I have with the Ballistic Tip is that all my shots are within 100yds. I blew a huge hole in a doe that was about 50yds last year. I don't want to do that much damage. I eat my deer and I try to kill the animal with as minimal damage as possible.

I'm considering going with the 150 or 165 gr. AccuBond with the polymer tip. Would that be overkill at short ranges 50 - 100 yds? I don't need that violent expansion like the Ballsitic Tip. Please give me some feedback.
I use 180gr Partitions in both a 300 WBY and 300 Savage. The bullet deformation that happens during chambering doesn't affect accuracy in my guns at all. It shouldn't affect accuracy in your gun. It just looks funny.
The Deer won't be able to tell the difference.

Zeke Menuar":1xveciit said:
I use 180gr Partitions in both a 300 WBY and 300 Savage. The bullet deformation that happens during chambering doesn't affect accuracy in my guns at all. It shouldn't affect accuracy in your gun. It just looks funny.
The Deer won't be able to tell the difference.


Well, it's not about accuracy. After a few times of chambering the round and they have become mared up, the bullet starts to jam during chambering by hanging up on a small outer edge of the chamber. This jamming pushes the bullet deeper into the casing. By having a polymer tip, the bullet slides over this edge without catching.
Are you handloading? What's the OAL of your load? If you are tying to seat to the lands you may have the bullet seated out too far.

Never used Accubonds. I have too many 30 cal bullets on hand as it is. From what I have read here and on other forums, the AccuBond does well at long or short ranges. Doesn't explode like a BT.

SPS has the 165 2nd Accubonds on sale.

http://www.noslershop.com/cgi-bin/virtu ... yNumber=55


Give the 165 gr AccuBond a try. It should work well for you.
Another option would be to go with the 180 gr BT.
Any of these bullets will open up well on deer size game. Shots theough the ribs will gice you an exit would the size of a quarter.

Zeke Menuar":14cva93a said:
Are you handloading? What's the OAL of your load? If you are tying to seat to the lands you may have the bullet seated out too far.

Yes, I'm handloading. I use the same OAL for factory loads. It also jammed when I was shooting factory loaded Winchester's FailSafe. It really has nothing to do with bullet seating. The problem is the cartridge hang up before leaving the magazine.
If you dont want bloodshot meat, theres 2 ways to go about it. One way is to use a tougher bullet, like you say by going to the AccuBond. The other is to use a heavier bullet. The impact velocity will be lower, plus the bullet is constructed heavier therefor it wont shed so fast or violently expand as fast. A 180g AB or BT would work great for a 30-06 for deer under 100 yards with minimal meat damage. You should be able to pick your shots pretty well since the range is so short, so behind the shoulder would leave quarter sized exits like one above poster already said.
try the 180 grn partion protected point, it has less of a lead tip so it should not get marred up.
Take the rifle to a smith and have the feeding problem fixed, smooth and polish the feed ramp yourself. As for bloodshot meat, shoot the vitals and avoid shots that would require shooting through shoulders or hams. Guess we are lucky here in SC, long season, plenty of deer and hogs and a very liberal limit. I can pass iffy shots and wait for a better opportunity. Rick.
The best load I have is:

IMR 4350 @ 56.0
180 gr Nosler AB or BT
Fed 210 Match Primer
WW Cases
COL 3.300"

165 Sierra Gameking BTHP (Super Deer Load)
IMR 4350 @ 57.5
Same Case and Primer
COL 3.185"


165 Nosler AB
COL: 3.300"
Same load!