Bullets for elk?


Apr 5, 2014
Any reason not to use a Nosler 182 grain E-tip on elk? I’m thinking about giving them a try on an upcoming hunt out of a 300 Winchester Mag. I am pretty sure the shot will be inside of 200 yards.
I also have 180 Accubonds and Partitions available, but am curious how the E-Tip will do after having good results with them in deer.

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90 gr. E-tips have worked great on deer and antelope from 100-350 yards for my son in his 6mm Remington. Nice expansion and penetration as shown by the exit wounds. Animals have dropped right away or ran only short distances. He also shot a. nice big cow elk at 350 yards with the same E-tip. Hit tight behind her right shoulder and exited out the center of her left shoulder. She staggered about 20 yards and went down. Pretty darn good performance for a 90 gr. bullet.

I think the 182 gr. E-tips would work just fine for you. I have shot them into water jugs from 25-400 yards and have been impressed with their performance and penetration. Great weight retention and expansion has been good as well..
I would think that you would be able to get through the vitals from just about any angle with the E-Tip. Shoulder blades shouldn't be a problem either.

I'd think that bullet was made with big ol' bull elk in mind...

Haven't taken any game with an E-Tip yet, but dang... It ought to work out just dandy.

If it works like a Barnes xbt ( four blades) it will work from just about any angle, ha! I myself have never used them, but I hear they work like any mono does, big hole all the way through. Go with confidence!
Use them. I shoot the 150gn E-tip out of my 7mmRUM. I've had zero issues or complaints with them performing on game.
Yup, I’m in the run them as well camp. A 180 run fast out of a 300 is a legend for elk.
My buddy shoots 160 barnes TSX w/ his 7MM bee with great results ! same style bullet of course.
Not having ever used them, I cannot say as to their effectiveness. However there are few bullets that will out prerform the Partition. You know me if it works don't change it, touch it or mess with it, in any way.
my Elk bullets are very boring. A 225 grain Sierra Prohunter or a 225 grain Partition have filled the bill out of my .338RUM very nicely over the years. Both bullets are a "drop them right there" recipe. With my new Christensen Arms Ridgeline in .300Mag the recipe will be a 180 grain Federal TBBC which has proven to be very accurate (and fast) with RL26. I've got about a pound and a quarter left which is being hoarded!