Bullets for my new #1


Range Officer
Staff member
Oct 30, 2004
It should be coming in Tuesday so I decided what to load for it.

Being a 25-06 I opted for the 100 gr BT and the 115 grain Ballistic Silvertip.

I figure if any of these two shoot under MOA then I am done!
The 100gr BT has been a friggin hammer in my wife's 25-06 Fotis. You'll love love love that one if it shoots!
That is what I am hoping for.

RL 22 is my first powder to try.
Well, you know how happy I am with the 115 gr Ballistic Tip over Retumbo from my recent Wyoming hunt!

RL-22 produces about the same velocity and accuracy though. I'd be happy with either the 100 or 115, with a slight preference for the 115 gr bullet.

Enjoy that beautiful rifle Fotis, it looks GREAT and I sure hope it shoots well too. Pick the bullet that shoots best, then go hunting.

Guy what was your load velocity accuracy again?
115 BT 50.5 RE22 RP brass, Rem 9 1/2 primer. So far the same load is shooting well in Win brass too.

I'm using 52.0 grains of IMR 4350 for the Barnes 90, same load works well for the Sierra 90.
Cool what is your speed? About 3K I presume?
My favorite load for the 25-06 with 115gr NBT's is 55.5gr of IMR7828ssc. This load clocks in the 3100fps range and is very accurate in my tang safety Ruger M77. I know others who use Retumbo or RL22 with great results. As long as you are using one of the 4350's or slower, you should be in good shape.
Like I said my go-to powders are RL22 RL25 for the 25-06.
I run RL25 (3130 fps) and Retumbo (3200 fps) in my 26" barreled rifle with the 115NBT.
Fotis - I hunted with:

Nosler cases
Fed 210 match primers
57.5 gr Retumbo
115 gr Ballistic Tip

From my 24" Remington it produced 3120 fps with minute of coyote accuracy at nearly a quarter mile. :grin:

Have used more powder than that, particularly with the 115 Partitions, but saw no need. The RL-22 loads I worked up were roughly the same for accuracy & velocity. I haven't got those numbers right in front of me at the moment.

Some groups from load-development with the 115 B-Tips & Retumbo:




Crud - one of these groups was with the 115 gr Partitions... The info is buried in my notes somewhere. Both shot good enough. I just flipped a coin about which load to take to Wyoming with me. Bought 500 of each. By the time I'm through with them, I'll likely need a new barrel anyway!

Fotis my wife's 25-06 is using: Remington Model 700 Mountain Rifle - 22" barrel - 6x Leupold
Winchester brass
Federal 210 primer
120 gr. Partition
49.0 grs. of IMR4350 - 3000 fps on the chronograph

That 110 gr. AccuBond would be a great bullet to try. I started playing with it a bit, but have not done much testing yet. It's hard to stray from the 120 gr. Partition when it shoots so well and performs so well on game.
About two years ago I picked up a Ruger #1 in 2506 that was a bit of a beater. I tried a load with the 100 gr Sierra Pro-Hunter and Game-Kings but accuracy was not good. My hunting budy from Nevada said the only bullet that shot decently in his #1 was the 120 gr. Speer Hot-Core so O ioaded up some of hem and gouos were good but not soectacular. (.80 to 1.0") Oh wellm the gun was planned to be a donor anyway so no big deal. About 6 months later I picked up another one and made a loads with the two Sierras and the Speer, None of those have done better that 4" at the most with one load doing a whole 3" So I have one ather ugly 25-06 #1 abd one very Minty 25-06 #1 so now I'me thinking I have two donors. :roll:
In all seriousness, I lost loaded p some ammo to see how the shot and just aven't had te time to do any serious load work for the guns. Smehow, I fel the ather beat up one just may be the shoot of the pair.I'm betting boththose guns will have those not do good Wilson barrels. Further work will be forthcoming.
Paul B.
Man I am stoked! Can not wait!
Today at the range, 57.5 gr Retumbo & 115 Ballistic Tip bullets at 3120 fps:


That shows why I didn't bother with the higher velocity load. I don't think I can get much better from a factory barreled rifle off a bipod at 100 yards.
