cannelure ring

Depends on how far. Generally, so long as there is a good seal from the neck, it is not a serious problem. It is possible that if it is seated too deeply, intruding into the powder space significantly, that there could be measurable bullet upset before engaging the lands.
I seat rifle bullets to the appropriate depth for the cartridge I am loading. The cannelure position on a bullet doesn't matter as far as I'm concerned since the bullet may be designed for a different cartridge. I don't crimp loads except for handgun cartridges and lever guns.

As usual, YMMV.

Is it bad to seat past (deeper) than the cannelure ring on a bullet? 30-06, hornady interlocks

I guess my question would be why do you need seat them in that far ? I don't really think it hurts one way or the other but they are located where most manufactures assume the correct length for your particular round will be to go in the magazine. As stated below they are used to crimp the bullet in place which is not really necessary in most applications.
Not a problem to seat deeper.
Why are you seating so deep?

I have horandy XTP's for my 357 and I found one I fired in the backstop. The mushroom didn't go past the first cannelure. This bullet has two. The cannelure, locks the bullet. BUt also the the inter lock below the cannelure is an added feature.
I have never had an issue with this. Couple of decades ago I bought a 44 Marlin while stationed in Germany. Only bullet I had on hand was the 44 cal 300 gr Sierra SP . Unfortunately the cannelure was nowhere near where it had to be. See the bullet was designed for the 44 mag and not the 444 Marlin. I sat it way past the cann and gave it a nice crimp. 5 shots well under an inch at 100 meters! Same deal with the 429" Hornady 300 gr XTP. Hence the 2 cannelures.
this isn't my load, just getting advice for someone. apparently this bullet jams if not seated deeply, while other bullets of same weight can be seated long - ever hear of this? the interlock only has one ring so I don't think it's a performance thing
I havn't had any issues with the cannelure versus length. I develop my loads and lengths by the accuracy outcome. Hornady and other bullet/ammo manufacturers make their bullets to fit the specific cartridge lengththey load because they have to crimp to ensure that they don't move is used in semi-auto or hard kicking rifles. Lee dies came out with their "factory crimp dies" for reloaders who want to fine tune their loads to their rifles. I've used them in a couple of lever action rifle loads to avoid using the factory cannelure length.
I don't crimp bolt action ammo.
Good Luck