Can’t Get Away From Partitions


Apr 7, 2019
I think something's wrong with me. I have worked up great E-Tip loads for my 308 Win, 270 Win, and 7mm RM. All group 3/4” or less at 100 yards. Now for my problem.........I can’t bring myself to hunt with anything but Partitions. They group roughly the same as the E-Tips, so there’s not an accuracy thing to it. I just can’t bring myself to go into the woods without a Partition in the chamber. I’m not sure if it’s habit, preference, or just being stubborn. It’s a problem that’s not really a problem. But I still haven’t hunted with the E-Tips, for no good reason. I need to use them to justify the money spent. I give. Lol. Luckily I use Hot-Cor’s in my 30 W.C.F. and 45-70. My AR’s all love Hornady 75 gr bthp’s.
I’ve tried every shape size BC, tip, mono, you name it. Partition is still my favorite. I’m too the point of the only thing in my drawer is some cheap Hornady SP apocalypse supply, several thousand partitions. I just quit looking at all the latest greatest, it’s a rabbit hole for me.

Now if I was shooting super long range, I probably would but I just love the dependability of PT, I know what it’s going to do, and that I’m probably not going to recover it.
Nothing wrong with the Partition; it just plain works!
I've used them with great success.

I do hunt with other bullets...the AccuBond has become my absolute favourite...but I still use, shoot and hunt with Partitions.

I have had great success with the Speer Hot Cor's too, mostly in the 358 Win, but now have them for my 338 Federal and 9.3x62 too. Just need to workup loads with them.
I’ve never had a PT do anything but work. It still astounds me a bullet that penetrates like it does can cause so much internal devastation. They are super accurate and easy to find the load they like. Just in a class all it’s own. I’m seriously thinking about letting the roughly 1500 E-Tips go. I don’t think I’ll ever use them to be honest. Every time I say I am, I end up still using the PT’s. I don’t know, maybe not. LOL
I like the E-Tip and have taken game in several cartridges loaded with them. They work well, provided you keep the velocity up. Nothing wrong with them. The Partition is a proven commodity that gives confidence when you just have to ensure that the game drops at the shot. Nothing wrong with that.
You’re not alone friend. I’ve used them successfully in many calibers. Whenever I’m serious about bringing home some game, I grab my .30-06 which is always loaded with 165 grain Partitions.

I know what I will get every time. That’s confidence. Of course there are others that may be slightly more accurate or have a higher b.c. or be more “California-legal” but few carry the “do-all” distinction that is the Nosler Partition!!

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Can't get away from partitions isn't a bad problem. Have and use still just not as much. Still a reliable bullet after all these years. My e-tip usage was limited to one deer. Dan.
I started with the Partitions, in the 60's, in my 06 then moved to the 180's in my 300 WM. I have taken a lot of mule deer, and elk with them as well as a couple of Caribou. The PT is still my go to bullet in my 300 WM. Their BC is lacking for the truly long range hunter, and I do use the BT in my 7 mm's also with good reliability, and can't complain about them either. Both are great bullets.
Killed my first deer and first elk in 1967 with a .30-06 and 180 gr partitions. That was, well, a long time ago. I still run the Partition for elk in my 06. Only a few years ago I replaced the partitions in my 338 with the Accubonds. Not convinced the elk know any different.

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salmonchaser":1mtupnsi said:
Killed my first deer and first elk in 1967 with a .30-06 and 180 gr partitions. That was, well, a long time ago. I still run the Partition for elk in my 06. Only a few years ago I replaced the partitions in my 338 with the Accubonds. Not convinced the elk know any different.

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Lol, I bet they can’t tell any difference either. That’s like that last 50-100 fps will make or break you. I think I’ve been shooting PT’s for roughly 40 years now. Since I was 8. My dad loaded them and so do I. They just work.

Heading out hunting without PT’s reminds me of the old adage about kissing yer sister. It just don’t feel right! : :lol: :lol: