Cartridge Overall Length for a .22-250

Larry in SD

Nov 8, 2004
A few years ago a guy on one of these forums told me a MAGIC NUMBER for Bullet Seating Depth for .22-250's. Problem is I can not find where i wrote the number down. I think it was 2.350" but am not sure. At any rate the guy that gave me the info said that that was the magic number he had found for a Cartridge Overall Length for the .22-250, and that that length produced the most accuracy with any bullet.

More to the point I am loading for a new Remington Model 700 LVSF in .22-250. I am about to start loading some 50gr. Nosler Ballistic Tips and when I measured the throat in this rifle I came up with a Cartridge Overall Length of 2.465" with the bullet touching the lands. This seemed long to me, but it has been a few years since I loaded any .22-250 rounds so thus the reason for asking.

The reason I am asking is is there a certain amount of the bullet base that needs to be in the case neck to ensure proper bullet pull and alignment?


Well, I am sure that whoever told you there was a "magic" seating depth for the 22-250 or any other cartridge was pretty much full of crap.

There is no such thing in my estimation. Now, let me explain. I deal with different seating depths and worry about such things, but I think that particular factor in load development is over rated on these forums.

But, to your question. I have a couple of 22-250's in the safe and they call for different bullet seating depths. I NEVER seat bullets into the lands for several reasons, first of all being the number of times I have seen others do that and wind up sticking a bullet in the lands when they extract a loaded round.

My oldest current Remington 22-250 shot best with an over all length of around 2.40 inches for most bullets. I finally shot out the factory barrel and with the custom Hart barrel it now wears I load to an over all length of 2.49 inches with a 50 grain Ballistic Tip.

My other 22-250 is currently loaded using Hornady 55 grain V-Max bullets seated to a depth of 2.47 inches. My 22-250 Ackely Improved is pretty much worn out, the throat is about completely gone. With the Ackley I am loading the 55 V-Max at 2.52 inches.

So, the OAL you came up with does not seem unreasonable to me.

The "rule of thumb" is that you need to have the bullet in the case at least one caliber worth. That is, a 22-250 should have at least 0.224 inches of bullet in the case for proper support and consistant release.

Good luck on your load development. I recently sighted in one of those 700 LVSF rifles for a friend. It was a 17 Remington. Using factory Remington ammo it would pretty routinely shoot three shot groups with two of the three touching.
Thanks for the reply. I loaded my test rounds at 2.460" (.005" off the lands) to start with. If I don't find anything that intrigues me I can seat them deeper.

Thanks again

The best seating depth varies by rifle not caliber. It has to do with the tolerance build up in the rifle as it's manufactured. You need to play with seating depth as part of your load development work up.
I agree with the others, COL will vary with each gun.
I shoot a M700 VLS in 22-250 and use the 50 gr BT and 36.0 grs of Varget. My COL is 2.442".

