Case Fill Compressed Loads


Apr 30, 2016
How much compressed is "Too Compressed"? Working with a 280 Rem and 150 grain scirocco bullets, Dr Mike was kind enough to provide from QL data for me..I took the "Near Max" given by QL and reduced by 10% and started working up in .5 grain increments until I got to 56 grains of RL-22, and now the powder fill is up to the bottom of the neck. Will that be too compressed when I seat a Scirocco II? This is FL sized brass, I assume fired and neck sized only will give a tad more space. Thanks, hope this doesn't seem like a silly question, but only about 18 months experience and never worked with compressed loads before.
Many of my loads are compressed loads. Much of stick powder will settle if you gently tap the side of the case with a glass rod or a brass rod. I often fill cases with stick powder to 110% of case capacity. Ball powder has far less room for compressing. With stick powders, before compressing, it is not unusual to see the powder level with the mouth of the case. Depending on how deep you wish to seat the bullet, it can be surprising how far down the load will compress. In the past, I have used a mouse sander, holding the case on the sander while holding a funnel at the top to keep the propellant from spilling, to settle the propellant. The down side of compressing powder is that the pressure against the bullet can cause the bullet to slide forward upon recoil while the cartridge is held in the magazine. Compressing powder does change the burn rate marginally, so you can determine safety factors only through experimentation. In short, work up the loads carefully, watching for signs of excessive pressure.
Thanks Mike!..That's about the most useful explanation I found..I made 3 of each of the .5 grain increments..When I get time I'm going to head to the range with the chrono and see how they group, what velocities they produce and watch for signs of over-pressure. Right now I'm working with RL-22, next will be MRP, I'm looking forward to what MRP will bring to the table!!
The only load that is too compressed is one that prevents you from seating a bullet at the depth you desire!

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Much like the sander idea, I read where a guy used a vibratory tumbler and just held the case against it to settle the powder. Would assume he kept a finger over the mouth.
I have an old Remington electric shaver that I use for adding buffer material to shotgun shells that would work also but use a drop tube kit from RCBS.
I've got an old aquarium pump that I changed out because it vibrated so much.
When the neck tension can't keep the bullet in place overnight, it's too much.
I use a drop tube. I never crush powder kernels. If your OAL is increasing as you increase powder charge with the same seating die setting, it's too much. If they are longer the next day, it's too much.
before IMR7828 was available in the short cut version I was using it in a 243 with 100 gr partitions . it was a highly compressed load . I tried a lot of different things . when I used my tumbler to help settle the powder , I used two identical loading trays . I put the brass in one and put the powder in , as normal . then I put the second tray on the top like a lid to keep the powder from bouncing out . I'd hold that against the tumbler . I think something like Dr Mike , and truck driver , and the aquarium pump , would be a better approach . I use a vibrating powder trickler , omega little dandy , I think it would work well to settle powder . the next day my COAL would be longer from the powder pushing the bullet back out . I'd just run the ammo through the seating die again . after I seated the bullets the second time they stayed where I wanted them . it was a lot of extra work , but the rifle liked the load , so I guess it was worth it .

I never neck size only . especially for a hunting rifle .
I ordered the drop tube from midway..But just working up the few test loads, I filled the case and put it on top of my vib cleaner with my finger over the neck. That did pretty good settling the powder, I was actually pretty surprised by how much they settled. I made it all the way to the charge I wanted. Really only the 3 highest loads are just barely compressed judging by the fill height. I seated bullets last night. I checked just now and they didn't grow any. The vib cleaner method worked for a few test loads, but way to slow for larger batches. I'll be glad to get the drop tube. Hopefully Saturday I can get to the range and see how the Scirocco II's do with RL-22
I use a Black & Decker Mouse sander to shake down 98.6 grs of Retumbo in my 338 RUM.
Works great!

I use a 4" drop tube and a LEE Factory Crimp Die on compressed loads. Never had an issue. W/O the crimp, have had many loads that pushed the bullet out in a few days. I only used compressed rifle loads with the really slow stick powders...the ones you can't get enough in the case to blow up! Ball powders or pistol siree! :)