Case spliting 44 Mag


Jun 13, 2009
Anyone have any idea what might cause Win.44 mag. brass to split on first reloading run ?My load was 22 grains of 2400 with a hornady 200 grain XTP with a cci large pistol mag. primer .
I don't know, I loaded and shot thousand's of .44 Magnum rounds. Never had any first loads split. I load mine hot too. Your load isn't that warm. How many you have split? Weigh the rest of them, and see what the difference is.
Might be bad Winchester brass, they seem to have quality control issues lately.
What gun are you shooting them in?
oversize chamber?
Do you have problems with other brass?
Does factory ammo give you problems?
Sizing die gouging/scratching the case?
I used the same powder charge over a Sierra 210gr bullet for years with no problems.

Well I'm getting about 2 split cases out of 6 rounds sometimes 3 out of 6 .Shooting them out of a ruger blackhawk hunter and a model 29 smith .Have the same load with the same dies in hornady brass and pmc brass with no splits what so ever .I can't understand whats going on with the winchester brass .
What is the case length? I am thinking that they may be longer than the other and the "extra" crimp is thinning and weaking the case mouth.

Or that extra length could be putting a hard crimp on every one out of three putting the pressure through the roof, and splitting the cases.

I recently had a batch of Winchester rifle brass that varied wildly in length.
J D there all trimmed to same length not over a thousandth difference between any of them .
I'm running out of idea's. It might be time to call Winchester with the Lot number and see what they can tell you.
Antelope Sniper these where the cheap white box loads from winchester and I think there brass was just poor quality ,all I can come up with I'm just gonna shoot them up and throw them away not worth the trouble messing with them .
You might have a crack in your cylinder on the inside check all the holes and don't shoot it till you find your problem.
buckfever":3s9j11d9 said:
You might have a crack in your cylinder on the inside check all the holes and don't shoot it till you find your problem.
He is shootiing these with the same results from two different revolvers, and getting several cracked cases out of a cylinder full.....

I suggest pitching that batch of brass and moving on. The last time I went through brass issues with Winny, I called, sent samples, etc. they sent me a $20 certificate that my LGS never has gotten reimbursement for. :cry:

Elkeater2 (Tom)