Common Sense...

There is nothing sensible about many of the determinations made by the present administration. It is tragic when Congress is compelled to provide redress for decisions made by the administration.
...well, if memory serves me (dangerous ground here), there was an importer that had all the BATFE paperwork inplace, but Sec. of State Clinton unilaterally decided it was in the State Dept.'s power to deny importation. Even a compromise that would have allowed the CMP to receive a substantial number of these weapons as part of a trade against a multi-million foreign aid pkg. that was pending in Congress was blocked directly by Hillary...

... these thugs need to be reminded they serve the people, instead of having to make our decisions for us, because we're not smart enough to think for ourselves...
With the exception of maybe a few that can be turned, with the Anti's, one can't fix stupid.