Compressed Load ?


Feb 14, 2007
When do you guys start getting worried about fill ratios?

I got some test loads that I'm wanting to try but they are in the 110% range. I have loaded up to 105% before, but didn't know were to stop.

Whats your thoughs/methods?
In part, loads are a matter of volumetric data on the powder. Some powders compress better than others. Also, especially on the Winchesters that are in my safe, I have generous magazines and throats that allow for more shallow seating depth which permits greater fill of the case. Restrictions imposed by short magazines and/or short throats can reduce the amount of compression expected in a given case/powder combination. Generally, using QL, I don't panic until I see 114% or more. Routinely, 110% is not out of the realm of reason.
I compress the heck out of some of my loads. In one case I compressed it to the point I bulged the case. That was my signal to back off a couple of grains. This was with ball powder, I'm a little more cautious with stick powder.
Check the cartridge for a change in COL a day or two after loading. If the bullet has moved out of the case any reduce the load if not and the load has been worked up and is in your manual, go for it.
I`ve loaded enought IMR4350 in my 30-06 with 150 gr bullets to fill the case to the mouth of the case. Seating the bullet crunches the powder like crazy but the bullet stays put and the load shows no pressure signs and is listed in a reputable manual. Ball powders won`t compress as much as extruded, and need to be loaded to slightly lower levels.
Like Joe, I like a powder where I can fill it to the rim and just stick in a bullet. That way I know I can't screw up and over charge it! :grin:
I do my best to look for loads 90% or better.

As the above mentioned my 7-08 is severly compressed with IMR-4350 to the point of a long drop tube on the funnel and then tapping the case on the bench......
I use stick powder for all my hunting loads and I don't like a compressed loads that will break the kernels. I like the load density with some of the short cut powders so I'll play around with different powder/bullets to get what I like.
I have a couple of compressed loads. In my 338 RUM, Retumbo fill up the case almost to the mouth. I hold the charged case on a Black & Decker mouse with my index finger over the mouth and let it vibrate for a few seconds. It really settles the powder down and gives me just a slight crush of the powder when I seat those 250 gr AB's.

Not a bad idea JD, I have used a drop tube before as well and they seemed to work pretty good. I got a bunch of test loads for my 338 loaded up last night and some of them were compressed (4350 crunches pretty good). So we'll see how they shoot if the wind ever quits blowing here :(